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55681 随着各国试图修复财政状况,这是否意味着新一轮财政紧缩?是否意味着将推高税收或通胀? Does this mean that we face, a little further down the track, a period of renewed austerity, as nations try to repair the balance of their finances? Does it mean higher taxes? Does it mean higher inflation?
55682 无论是经济正在复苏的中国,还是英国、欧洲国家或者美国,都面临这样的问题。 There are all sorts of questions that will be around. They'll be around for the Chinese authorities, I think, as the Chinese economy rebounds. They are clearly going to be around in the British context, and in a broad European context.
55683 当然,由于美元的特殊性,美国的情况可能会有所不同。 The US will face it and it comes with a different way because it's in a special position vis à vis the dollar.
55684 这些都是疫情带来的中期挑战。 And that's the sort of medium term challenge that's created by COVID-19.
55685 同时,在疫情影响之外还存在一些中长期挑战,国际贸易秩序就是其中之一。 I think there are some medium and longer term challenges that are not affected by COVID-19. I think that the trade order is one question.
55686 在疫情暴发前,由于缺乏足够的上诉法官,世界贸易组织正在丧失有效解决争端的能力。 Even before the virus we were all struggling with the fact that the WTO was losing its ability to effectively arbitrate disputes because of the absence of appellate judges.
55687 我注意到,今年3月30日,欧盟和中国以及其他一些国家达成了“多方临时上诉仲裁安排”(MPIA)。 I noticed that, on the 30th March, right in the thick of the pandemic, the EU and China and a number of other nations agreed on the multi-party interim appeal arbitration arrangement.
55688 这是支持世贸组织工作的重要一步。我很关注英国将如何参与这一安排。 There is a question in my mind about how the UK can get itself involved in that. But I think we should all recognise this is an important step in shoring up the work of the WTO.
55689 刘大使刚才在演讲中谈到为什么要支持世卫组织。 You talked about the reasons we all recognise about the WHO.
55690 世卫组织是一个重要的国际组织,而世贸组织同样是一个重要的国际机构,是当前国际多边秩序的一部分,我们都应予以关注。 I think the WHO is one important international organization, whereas WTO is an equally important international institution that is part of a functioning multilateral order, and we all have some concerns about that.