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55721 英国卫生大臣汉考克昨天与中国卫生健康委主任马晓伟通了电话, Secretary Matt Hancock just had a telephone conversation yesterday with his counterpart Ma Xiaowei, the Chinese Health Minister.
55722 双方就中英抗疫合作进行了非常富有成果和深入的讨论。 They had a very productive and in-depth discussion on collaboration between China and the UK in fighting against the virus, shared experience and compared notes.
55723 第三,我们要加强抗疫国际合作。 The third area is international cooperation.
55724 在演讲中,我已经谈到这方面内容。 I touched upon that in my presentation.
55725 刚才,格林勋爵以“英国绅士式”的措辞—“非建设性态度”来形容美国的立场和做法。 You used the word in a very polite and very British gentlemanly expression about the unconstructive approach by the United States.
55726 我们对美国宣布暂停资助世卫组织的决定深感失望。 We are very disappointed by the US decision,
55727 在当前抗疫关键时刻,世卫组织扮演着重要角色,我们需要支持世卫组织在全球抗疫合作中发挥领导作用。 but we believe that the WHO plays a very important role, especially at this critical moment. We need to support the WHO in leading the international response against this virus.
55728 我很高兴地看到,英国政府决定继续支持世卫组织,中英双方在这方面持相同立场。 I'm pleased that the UK government decided to continue to support the WHO. So China and the UK share this common position.
55729 中国已向世卫组织提供2000万美元捐款。就在我们今天活动开始前数个小时,中国又宣布向世卫组织增加3000万美元现金捐款,用于支持非洲和发展中国家卫生体系建设等工作。 In addition to the 20 million US dollars, just a few hours before our event today, the Chinese government announced that we are going to donate another 30 million US dollars to the WHO.
55730 中国政府有关部门好像知道今天“亚洲之家”要举办这一活动,使我能够第一时间跟各位分享这个信息。(众人笑) Maybe they knew that the Asia House and you are going to have this event, so I can share with you firsthand information. (Laughter) Especially, we hope it will be used for the developing countries in Africa and in some other places.