ID 原文 译文
55741 正如我在演讲中所说,一些政客和一些势力试图寻找“替罪羊”,企图对外“甩锅”、转嫁责任。 Like I said in my speech, some politicians and some forces try to find a scapegoat and to play a game of blaming in order to shirk their responsibility.
55742 各国政府应集中精力应对疫情,保护本国人民生命安全,而不是相互攻击和破坏国际合作。 You know we call on governments of all countries to focus on fighting the virus, on protecting the lives of its people, rather than fighting each other, rather than undermining the international collaboration.
55743 对一些美国政客对中国的指责,我们坚决反对。 So we are very disappointed, and are rejecting these so-called accusations by some of the American politicians.
55744 这种针对中国的抹黑无助于国际社会合作抗疫。 We don't think this disinformation against China serves the purpose of international response to this virus.
55745 关于中美关系,我们完全有理由建立稳定和良好的关系。 On China-US relations, we have every reason to have a sound and good relationship.
55746 近一个时期,习近平主席与特朗普总统多次通话。 President Xi had several telephone conversations with President Trump.
55747 我们始终认为中美合则两利、斗则俱伤。 We always believe that China and the US will gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation.
55748 一个稳定和良好的中美关系不仅符合中美两国利益,也符合世界各国的利益。 We also believe it is not only in the interests of China and the US to have a sound and good relationship, but it's also in the interests of the world.
55749 我们希望在不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢的基础上与美国保持良好关系,但是这需要中美双方相向而行。 We would like to have a good relationship with the US, based on mutual respect, non-confrontation and mutual collaboration, and we are working towards this goal. But you need two to tango, right?
55750 当中国领导人和中国的驻外使节、外交官们在全世界大力倡导构建人类命运共同体,支持国际社会增强抗疫必胜信心的时候,一些国家的政客和官员在干什么?他们到处散布假消息和谣言——这毫无助益! You know, while the Chinese leaders, or Chinese ambassadors, Chinese diplomats are spreading the words of community of shared future for mankind, and are trying very hard to shore up the confidence of international community, some politicians, some people are trying to spread disinformation and rumors in the world - that is not helpful at all!