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55751 我们真诚希望中美加强合作,也希望国际社会加强合作,以实现符合全人类利益的共同目标。 So we really hope that China and the US could work together, and the international community could work together for the common goal that serves the interests of all mankind.
55752 怡和集团董事亚当·凯瑟克:刘大使,你好!感谢刘大使和格林勋爵,你们刚才的发言令人鼓舞。 Adam Keswick from Jardine Matheson Holdings: Hello Ambassador. Thank you for your words, and Stephen, yours too. I thought it is very encouraging to hear everything you've said.
55753 我相信,我们为抗疫而建立的沟通网络,在战胜疫情后同样能促进世界经济发展。 I hope that the networks of communications that have been put in place to fight this virus can be continued to promote the economy after we've tackled this, which I'm sure we will.
55754 刘大使在演讲中对中国所作努力做了全面介绍,令人欣慰。 Ambassador, your views of what China will be doing, all of which I took a lot of comfort from.
55755 现在,国际社会都很关注中国全国人民代表大会何时召开。 But more specifically, I feel that the eyes of the world will be watching the upcoming NPC meeting whenever that takes place.
55756 有消息称,这次大会可能会在今年5月晚些时候召开。 But presuming it will be sometime later in May,
55757 你认为这次大会将对外传递什么具体信息?这些信息将如何增强国际社会抗疫信心、推动世界经济恢复到正常状态?希望听听你的看法。 it would be very interesting to get your views on what specific messages, do you think, are going to come out of that meeting that the rest of the world can take further comfort from in terms of battling the virus, and also a return to some form of economic normality. Just be interested to have your views on that.
55758 刘大使:你提到的会议很重要。 Ambassador Liu: I think this will be very important.
55759 每年的“两会”是中国政治生活中的一件大事。今年的“两会”受疫情影响推迟了。 We call it the two sessions. It has been postponed.
55760 今年的“两会”将不只为今年中国发展制定规划,还将制定未来五年的“十四五”规划,意义更加深远。 It will set policies and the guidance, not only for the development of China for this year. I think it will draw the plan, or what we call the 14th Five-Year Plan. So, the significance of the two sessions will go beyond this year.