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55791 习近平主席与约翰逊首相1个多月内两次通电话,这非常罕见。 You know, President Xi Jinping had two telephone conversations with Prime Minister Johnson within just a bit more than one month. That was very rare.
55792 我担任中国驻英国大使10年有余,从未见过两国领导人在这么短的时间内进行如此密集的沟通。 I've been here as ambassador for more than 10 years, and I've never seen our top leaders have such intensive communications in such a short period of time.
55793 中央外事工作委员会办公室主任杨洁篪与英内阁秘书兼首相国家安全顾问塞德维尔、王毅国务委员兼外长与英国外交大臣拉布等两国高官也保持密切沟通。 On the ministerial level, we are having very intensive communications, as Director Yang Jiechi talked to Sir Mark Sedwill, and State Counselor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked to Secretary Raab.
55794 我在伦敦也与英国有关部门大臣、国务大臣等就中英合作交换意见和建议。 And here in London, I kept very close contacts with ministers and secretaries. We compare notes and share experiences.
55795 未来中英很多领域的合作都充满机遇。 And, China and the UK are working very closely on developing the vaccine.
55796 在疫苗研发和经验交流方面,目前中英两国科学家正紧密合作加快研发,帝国理工学院、牛津大学、剑桥大学与中国科研机构密切合作。 The scientists of our two countries are working very closely. Imperial College, Oxford and Cambridge are working very closely with their counterparts.
55797 不久前,中国山东联合工作组来英国期间,与英国医疗专家进行线上交流,开展密切合作。 While the Chinese medical team was here, they had online discussions with the British experts and doctors. So we have very intensive interactions with each other.
55798 除医疗物资外,疫苗是我们打赢这场全球疫情防控战的最终解决方案。 In addition to supplying medical equipment, vaccine is really the final solution to the battle.
55799 习近平主席和约翰逊首相都很支持两国科学家在这一重要领域开展合作。 Both President Xi and Prime Minister Johnson expressed their support for the scientists of the two countries to work together in this very important area.
55800 在国际领域,中英两国合作密切。 And also on the international arena, China and the UK both work very closely.