ID 原文 译文
55801 双方都支持多边主义,支持世卫组织和世贸组织,格林勋爵对此十分关注。 We're both supporters for multilateralism and the full supporters of the WTO. You know, Lord Green cares for it very much.
55802 我们把英国视作共建“一带一路”的“天然合作伙伴”。 We see the UK as a partner for China on the Belt and Road.
55803 中英还可共同推动“一带一路”沿线国家加强卫生合作,共建“健康丝绸之路”。 We are now working with the countries along the Road to build a "silk road for public health".
55804 在气候变化领域,中英也可加强合作。 I think there is another area that China and the UK can share experience and can work together, climate change, as I said.
55805 双方都是环境保护的全球领军者。 China and the UK are leaders in environmental protection.
55806 中英今年原计划分别主办的COP15与COP26虽因疫情推迟,但双方准备工作并没有停止。 We're supposed to host COP 15 and COP 26. They have been postponed, but not canceled. We're still working.
55807 疫情过后,两场会议将再次提上日程,为气候变化、环境保护领域国际合作设定议程和方向。两国在这些领域合作面临巨大机遇。 You know, when this pandemic is over, the two countries will host these two conferences. They will set agenda and direction for climate change and for environmental protection. So, there are enormous opportunities between our two countries.
55808 在贸易领域,中英合作前景广阔。 And the trade between us. I think there's still a great future for the trade between our two countries.
55809 去年,尽管全球贸易增长放缓,中英双边货物贸易额同比增长超过7%,创历史新高。 Last year, the bilateral trade set a new record and increased more than 7%, despite the downturn of global growth of the trade.
55810 目前,英国是中国在欧洲第三大贸易伙伴,中国是英国第三大货物出口市场。 The UK is now the third largest trading partner of China within the EU. China is the third largest export market for the UK.