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55811 英国是中国在欧洲地区最大投资目的地国,过去5年中国对英投资超过了过去30年总和,中资企业在英国非常活跃。 Chinese investment is also increasing. In the past five years, the total Chinese investment is bigger than the previous 30 years combined. Now, the UK is the number one destination in Europe for Chinese investment. Chinese businesses here are very active.
55812 前不久,我在线出席了英国中国商会首批援助英方医疗物资捐赠仪式,英国中国商会向英国国民医疗服务体系捐赠了呼吸机、防护服、口罩等医疗物资, A few days ago, I participated in the online donation event held by the China Chamber of Commerce in the UK. They donated ventilators, face mask, goggles and protective gowns to the NHS.
55813 这充分体现了在英中资企业的全球视野和社会责任。 And that shows their global vision and sense of social responsibility.
55814 我们鼓励中英之间加强这样的交流互动。 We encourage all these interactions between China and the UK.
55815 毕马威会计师事务所金融服务副主席塞耶:我想谈谈现在了不起的技术。 David Sayer from KPMG: Thank you. I'm about to say, I enjoy this remarkable technology and for that I want to address a question.
55816 刘大使,你刚才说,每个挑战中也蕴含着机遇。 You've said to me in the past that every challenge has an opportunity.
55817 现在通过技术,我们不仅与英国客户,也能与中国公司进行更快、更直接的对话。我们现在能更容易、更好地与中国伙伴进行视频会议。 And I do think, this remarkable technology allows us to have a much more direct and immediate dialogue with Chinese firms. I've been talking to clients in the UK that I can bring my Chinese partners into a virtual meeting, far more easily and far more acceptably than it's been in the past and I think that's one of the changes we'll be seeing. Virtual dialogue is becoming, and proved it's workable. It's becoming utterly acceptable.
55818 而以前,要与中国伙伴对话,我们必须经过近20个小时飞行,还得有其他安排。 And in the past having a dialogue with Chinese firms has always involved 20 hours on planes and the rest.
55819 我认为此次疫情挑战所带来的一个机遇,就是英中各领域对话将加速。 I think one of the things coming out of this is the potential to accelerate dialogue between the UK and China across so many dimensions.
55820 在这方面,我们应如何更好利用新技术?中国驻英国使馆为此能发挥什么作用? And I just wonder the ways in which we can celebrate the facilitation of that, and whether the Embassy can play a role.