ID 原文 译文
55821 刘大使:很高兴你成为新技术的获益者之一。 Ambassador Liu: Yes, I'm very pleased that you are one of the beneficiaries of this new technology.
55822 华为公司参与英国5G网络发展后,在线会议速度一定会更快、质量会更高。 Once you have a Huawei participating in your 5G development, the speed and quality of these online meetings will be even better.
55823 约翰逊首相提出雄心勃勃的计划,要在2025年前在全英实现5G网络全覆盖,华为将为此发挥重要作用。 I know that Prime Minister Johnson has a very ambitious plan to have a full 5G coverage in the UK by 2025. I think Huawei will be a big help on this.
55824 我希望,不仅中英两国领导人保持沟通,两国工商界人士也要加强对话。 You know, we encourage online meetings, discussions. We do hope that not only the leaders of our two countries talk to each other, but also business leaders.
55825 除了与“亚洲之家”对话外,我最近还参加了其他在线会议。 I had several online meetings. As a matter of fact, this Asia House is really one of those webinars I have attended, and soon I will have another one with CBI.
55826 不久前,我与英国中国商会进行视频座谈,接下来我还将与英国工商业联合会、英中贸协进行视频座谈。 And then another one with the CBBC. I already had one with the British Chamber of Commerce in China.
55827 我们能进行即时讨论,得益于新技术发展。 We had this real time discussion. I think we benefit greatly from this technology. This is very important.
55828 同时,我们应致力于维护自由贸易,共同营造良好营商环境。 We should stay committed to free trade, to building our business friendly environment.
55829 英国素以自由和开放经济著称,这是英国能成为中国在欧洲最大投资目的地国的重要原因。 The UK is well known for supporting free and open economy. That's very important. That's why the UK can become No.1 destination for Chinese investment.
55830 我曾问中国企业家,你们为什么要到英国来投资,而不是去其他国家。我不久前参加中国河北敬业集团收购英国钢铁公司交割仪式时,问过敬业集团负责人同样的问题。 I had a meeting with many Chinese business leaders. I asked them, "Why are you here, compared with other European countries? And why do you put your money here?" Take Jingye. I just participated in Jingye's acquisition of the British Steel.