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55831 他们表示,英国非常开放、透明,英国从中央政府及地方政府领导人,到工商界人士和地方社区,都张开双臂欢迎中国投资。 They told me they found the UK very open, transparent, and the political leaders, business leaders, local leaders and local community welcome Chinese business with open arms.
55832 这是英国成功的秘诀。 That's the secret of success of the UK.
55833 因此,我希望这一势头能继续保持,这不仅有利于中英合作,也符合英国自身的利益。 So, I do hope that this trend will continue. It is really not only for the benefit of China-UK collaboration. It is also for the benefit of the UK people.
55834 英国广播公司(BBC)外事记者兰德尔:刘大使,你非常重视国际合作。 James Landale from BBC: You placed great emphasis on international cooperation.
55835 中国是否支持针对病毒源头的独立国际调查?是否会完全向调查者开放所有的相关数据、地点和证据? Will China, as a result, cooperate with any independent international investigation into the origins of this pandemic? Will China provide any investigators with full access to all the relevant data, locations and witnesses?
55836 刘大使:中国对疫情从一开始就采取公开、透明、负责任的态度。 Ambassador Liu: China has been open, transparent and responsible from the very beginning.
55837 我们邀请世卫组织专家来华,他们不仅访问了武汉,还访问了其他城市。 We have invited the WHO experts to come to China. They visited not only Wuhan but also other places and cities.
55838 访问后他们发布了一份非常全面详实的报告,不知道你是否读过。 They came up with a very extensive and comprehensive report about their study in China. I do not know if you have read the WHO report.
55839 我听到关于所谓中国掩盖和隐藏疫情的猜测和虚假信息,这些都不是事实。 I hear quite a lot of speculation and disinformation that the Chinese are covering up and hiding something. This is not true.
55840 一些人抱有先入为主的偏见,每当听到美国政客指责中国掩盖事实的时候,都会随波逐流。 I do not know if you have read the WHO report. Some people already have a prejudgment. Each time they hear American politicians accusing and criticizing China for hiding or covering up, they just turn to them.