ID 原文 译文
55851 在张继先医生向当地卫生部门报告三天后,中国政府采取了非常严格和迅速的行动,四天后就通知了世卫组织,七天后与美国分享了疫情信息。 But he did not report to the authorities and he shared the story three days after Dr. Zhang Jixian reported to the local health authorities. Then the government adopted very strict and swift actions, notified the WHO four days later, and shared information with Americans seven days later.
55852 所以美国才能采取撤侨等行动。 So that's how Americans could take actions to take their nationals back and to close the border.
55853 如果你查阅中国抗疫的时间线,你会发现我们所有疫情信息都是公开、透明的。 If you check the timeline on what China was doing, you will find we have been transparent, straightforward with all the information.
55854 你谈到独立调查,这应该取决于世卫组织。 You're talking about independent investigation. It's up to the WHO.
55855 我们支持世卫组织在全球抗疫合作中发挥重要作用。我们应该遵循国际规则,而非某个国家的规则。 We support the WHO. We believe we should play by international norms and international rules, not by some other countries' rules.
55856 个别国家甚至在地方法院“起诉”中国,这完全是荒唐至极。 Some other country even sues China at its local court. It's absurd.
55857 我曾两次在美国常驻。 I've been posted twice in Washington.
55858 这已不是第一次某些政客想当“世界警察”了。 This is not the first time that some politicians want to play world police.
55859 当今时代已不是“炮舰外交”的时代,也不是中国处于半殖民地半封建社会的时代,而是二十一世纪的第三个十年。 This is not the era of "gunboat diplomacy". This is not the era when China was still in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. This is the third decade of the 21st century.
55860 但这些政客还生活在过去,无法理解今天的世界,自认为能像过去一样欺负中国、欺负世界。 Those people cannot understand it. They think they still live in the old days when they can bully China and the world.