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55861 如果世卫组织不能按其意志行事,他们就停止支持世卫组织,指责世卫组织“以中国为中心”,这完全是错误的。 If the WHO does not act their way, they stop their support and criticize the WHO to be "China-centric". That's simply not right.
55862 因此,我们呼吁加强国际合作,这是赢得抗疫斗争的唯一武器和唯一出路,而不应找“替罪羊”,不应玩政治游戏,不应把病毒政治化,不应传播“政治病毒”。 So we are calling for international cooperation. That's the only weapon and only way out to win this battle against the virus. Not by scape-goating, not by playing games, not by politicizing the virus, not by spreading political virus.
55863 我们在与病毒这个“无形的敌人”作斗争时,必须对“政治病毒”保持警惕。 We have to guard against this while fighting this invisible enemy.
55864 我想强调的是,中国不是美国的敌人,而是美国的朋友,是美国与病毒作斗争的伙伴。 China is not an enemy of the United States. China is a friend of the United States, a partner for the United States in fighting against the virus.
55865 如果这些美国政客将中国视为敌人,就是选错了对象。 If they regard China as an enemy, they choose the wrong target.
55866 尽管一些美国政客散布关于中国的虚假信息,我们仍在美国人民需要时伸出援手。中国已向美国提供超过18亿个口罩,意味着每个美国人可获得6个口罩。 Despite these politicians spreading disinformation about China, China has provided 1.8 billion face masks. That means six face masks per person in the United States. We still try to lend a helping hand to American people when they need us.
55867 格林勋爵:刘大使,这是一次非常精彩的讨论。我感到收获颇丰。 Lord Green: Ambassador Liu, it has been a remarkable discussion. I've enjoyed enormously.
55868 你最后的发言是非常好的总结,充分展示了我们在广泛领域有机会开展有效合作,我们需要保持这一积极势头。 Your final remarks are extremely good ones, to end on that powerful reminder that there is a huge range of issues on which we have every opportunity to cooperate effectively, and that we need to keep the momentum up.
55869 在新冠肺炎疫情之后,我们将总结经验教训,短期内看,我们还有许多修补宏观经济等工作要开展,从长期看,我们在根本性问题上有很多共同点,也有很多合作的机会。 And remember, there will be a time after COVID-19, lots of lessons to be learned about it, lots of shorter term issues about repairing macro economic damages. There will also be fundamental longer term issues on which we have so much in common and where we have so many opportunities to work together.
55870 因此,我代表“亚洲之家”衷心感谢你抽出宝贵时间与我们一起讨论,也期待着更多交流。 So I really appreciate, on behalf of Asia House, your taking the time to be with us. And I look forward to many future engagements.