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55911 We also published a readiness checklist to help countries assess their capacities and gaps for detection and response. 我们还发布了一份准备情况清单,以帮助各国评估在发现病例和采取应对措施方面的能力和差距。
55912 Because Wuhan is a major domestic and international transport hub, WHO also advised that the risk of cases being reported from outside Wuhan was increased. 由于武汉是国内和国际主要交通枢纽,世卫组织还警示,在武汉以外地区病例报告数目可能会增加。
55913 On the 11th of January, China shared the genetic sequence of the virus for countries to use in developing testing kits. 1月11日,中国分享了该病毒的基因序列,供各国用于开发检测试剂盒。
55914 On the same day, China reported the first death from the new coronavirus. 同一天,中国报告了首例新型冠状病毒死亡。
55915 On the 13th of January, the first case was reported outside China, in Thailand. 1月13日,在中国以外,泰国报道了第一例病例。
55916 That day, working with partners, WHO published the first instructions for how to make PCR-based diagnostic test kits, enabling the world to find cases. 当日,世卫组织与合作伙伴一道发布了第一份关于如何制作聚合酶链反应诊断检测试剂盒的说明,以协助世界各国发现病例。
55917 On the 14th of January, WHO tweeted reports from China that preliminary investigations by Chinese authorities had found no clear evidence that human-to-human transmission was occurring. 1月14日,世卫组织在推特上发布了来自中国的报告,称中国主管部门的初步调查结果未发现人际传播的明确证据。
55918 This is in line with our practice of reporting to the world information that countries report to us. 这符合世卫组织向全球报告各国向本组织所通报信息的惯例。
55919 We post country reports as is. 我们不加改动地公布国家所提供的报告。
55920 However, earlier the same day, WHO held a press briefing at which we said that, based on our past experience with coronaviruses, human-to-human transmission was likely. 在同一天早些时候,世卫组织举行了新闻发布会,我们在会上说,根据我们过去处理冠状病毒的经验,很可能会发生人际传播。