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55921 Our senior experts participated in that press conference, and that news was carried by mainstream media. 我们的高级专家参加了这次新闻发布会,主流媒体对这一消息作了报导。
55922 On the 20th and 21st of January, WHO staff visited Wuhan, and on the 22nd, reported that the evidence suggested human-to-human transmission was occurring. 1月20日和21日,世卫组织工作人员访问了武汉,并于22日报告说,有证据表明正在发生人际传播。
55923 On the 22nd and 23rd of January, I convened the Emergency Committee, consisting of 15 independent experts from around the world. 1月22日和23日,我召集了由来自世界各地15名独立专家组成的突发事件委员会开会。
55924 At the time, 581 cases had been reported, and only 10 cases outside China. 当时,共有581例报告病例,仅有10例发生在中国境外。
55925 The Emergency Committee was divided in its opinion, and did not advise that I declare a public health emergency of international concern. 突发事件委员会意见不一,没有建议我宣布此疫情构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。
55926 The Committee asked to be reconvened in 10 days or less to allow time for more information and evidence to be collected and considered. 该委员会要求在10天或更短的时间内再召开一次会议,以便有时间收集和审议更多的信息和证据。
55927 On the 27th of January, I traveled to Beijing with WHO’s chief of emergencies, Dr Mike Ryan, and other senior WHO staff, and met with President Xi Jinping and other leaders to learn more about the response and offer WHO’s assistance. 1月27日,我与世卫组织突发事件规划负责人迈克·瑞安博士以及世卫组织其他高级工作人员一同前往北京,会见了习近平主席和其他领导人,以了解更多关于应对措施方面的信息和提供世卫组织的协助。
55928 We discussed the seriousness of the situation, and agreed that an international team of scientists should travel to China to look into the outbreak and the response, including experts from China, Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Nigeria, the Russian Federation, Singapore and the United States of America. 我们讨论了严重形势,并同意由中国、德国、日本、韩国、尼日利亚、俄罗斯联邦、新加坡和美国的专家组成国际科学家小组考察中国疫情和应对情况。
55929 On the 30th of January, I reconvened the Emergency Committee and after receiving their advice, because of the new information gathered they had a consensus, I declared a global public health emergency WHO’s highest level of alarm. 1月30日,我再度召集了突发事件委员会开会。由于收集到新的信息和达成了共识,我在收到该委员会的建议后宣布了全球突发公共卫生事件,这是世卫组织最高级别的警报。
55930 At the time, as you may remember, there were less than 100 cases and no deaths outside China. 你们可能还记得,当时在中国境外的病例不到100例,没有死亡病例。