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55951 We’ve kept the world informed in multiple ways, including these regular press conferences, answering your questions. 我们通过多种方式让世界了解情况,包括通过定期举行新闻发布会,回答各位的问题。
55952 We’ve brought together entertainers to provide music and laughter, even in these dark times, using this opportunity to thank Hugh Evans from Global Citizen and Lady Gaga. 即便在当前这一晦暗时期,我们也汇集了演艺界人士提供音乐和笑声,我愿借此机会感谢全球公民运动的休·埃文斯和Lady Gaga。
55953 And we’ve watched with admiration as the world has come together in solidarity to fight this common enemy. 我们赞赏世界团结一致,抗击这个共同的敌人。
55954 We share the grief and pain of so many people around the world, and we share the hope that we will overcome this pandemic together. 我们对世人的悲伤和痛苦感同身受,希望共同战胜这场大流行病。
55955 There’s one thing we haven’t done: we haven’t given up. 但有件事我们没有做:我们没有放弃。
55956 And we will not give up. 而且绝不会放弃。
55957 Our commitment remains to serving all the people of the world with science, solidarity and solutions, but above all with humility and respect to all people and nations. 我们承诺将一如既往地通过科学、团结协作和解决方案为全世界所有人提供服务,但最重要的是以谦卑姿态和尊重所有国家和人民的态度提供服务。
55958 WHO is now working to provide the critical strategies, solutions and supplies that countries will need in the coming weeks and months. 世卫组织目前正在努力提供各国在未来数周和数个月需要的关键战略、解决方案和物资供应。
55959 One thing that we would ask is unity at the national level, and solidarity at the global level. 我们希望举国团结、举世团结。
55960 More than ever, the human race should stand together to defeat this virus. 人类比以往任何时候都应该团结一致,只有这样,才能战胜这种病毒。