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55971 It is taking a huge toll on families, societies, health systems and economies around the world, and for as long as this virus threatens any country, the entire world is at risk. 这一大流行病正在给世界各地的家庭、社会、卫生系统和经济造成巨大损失。只要这种病毒对任何国家构成威胁,整个世界便都处于危险之中。
55972 There is an urgent need, therefore, while following existing measures to keep people physically distanced and to test and track all contacts of people who test positive, for innovative COVID-19 vaccines, diagnostics and treatments. 因此,在遵循现有措施使人们保持身体距离并检测和追踪检测呈阳性人员的所有接触者的同时,迫切需要具有创新性的COVID-19疫苗、诊断制剂和治疗办法。
55973 “We will only halt COVID-19 through solidarity,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. 世卫组织总干事谭德塞博士说:“我们只有团结,才能阻止COVID-19传播。
55974 “Countries, health partners, manufacturers, and the private sector must act together and ensure that the fruits of science and research can benefit everybody.” 各国、卫生合作伙伴、生产商和私立部门必须共同行动,并确保科学和研究成果惠及所有人”。
55975 Work has already started. 相关工作已经开始。
55976 Since January, WHO has been working with researchers from hundreds of institutions to develop and test vaccines, standardize assays and standardize regulatory approaches on innovative trial designs and define criteria to prioritize vaccine candidates. 自今年1月以来,世卫组织一直与来自数百家机构的研究人员合作,开发和测试疫苗,使测定方法标准化以及使创新性试验设计的监管方法标准化,并确定候选疫苗的优先标准。
55977 The Organization has prequalified diagnostics that are being used all over the world, and more are in the pipeline. 本组织已对世界各地正在使用的诊断方法开展了预认证,还有更多正处在这一过程中。
55978 And it is coordinating a global trial to assess the safety and efficacy of four therapeutics against COVID-19. 还在协调开展一项全球试验,评估用于COVID-19的四种疗法的安全性和有效性。
55979 The challenge is to speed up and harmonize processes to ensure that once products are deemed safe and effective, they can be brought to the billions of people in the world who need them. 目前面临的挑战是加快和协调流程,以确保一旦产品被认为安全有效,便可以供世界上数十亿有需要的人们使用。
55980 Past experience, in the early days of HIV treatment, for example, and in the deployment of vaccines against the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, shows that even when tools are available, they have not been equally available to all. 过去的经验,例如在艾滋病毒治疗的早期,以及在2009年针对H1N1流感疫情的疫苗部署过程中的经验表明,即使有了工具,也不是所有人都能平等获得。