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56041 Half of its presold rooms were for five-star hotels, indicating travellers were seeking better quality accommodation due to epidemic concerns, it said. 已预订房间中有半数为五星级酒店,这显示出游客出于对疫情的担忧,想寻求更优质的住宿条件。Trip.com援引票务销售情况说。
56042 They are also taking advantage of cheap domestic flights and hotel deals being offered by airlines and hotel chains eager to get people travelling again. 游客也在利用航空公司和连锁酒店推出的低价国内航班和酒店住宿,航空公司和连锁酒店热切希望人们恢复出行。
56043 However, industry executives warn that it's too soon to say how robust the recovery in holiday travel will be given concern about a second wave of the coronavirus. 但业内高管警告称,考虑到出现第二波新冠疫情的风险,现在讨论假日旅游复苏前景如何为时尚早。
56044 International travel remains out of the question for most, due to border restrictions imposed by other countries, a lack of flights and two weeks of quarantine that await people coming back to China. 对大多数人来说,由于其他国家实施了入境限制,出国旅行仍然不可能。出国航班已经减少,并且回国后还要隔离两周。
56045 Major tourism sites and some restaurants have and been told to limit occupancy to as low as 30% of normal levels, capping any recovery. 各大旅游景点和一些餐厅已被告知,要将空间占用率限制在正常水平的30%,这也限制了旅游业和餐饮业的复苏。
56046 The China Tourist Attractions Association estimates that destinations will see an 80% drop in revenue in the first quarter. 中国旅游景点协会估计,今年一季度旅游目的地的收入将下降80%。
56047 “Recovery will continue to come in phases in China, and what we can do is to be fully prepared under the new norm.” “中国将继续分阶段恢复日常,我们能做的就是在新常态下做好充分准备。”
56048 If the world has seen a scary future with the emergence of COVID-19, the future of our planet in a 3-4° C scenario takes us to an entirely different level of uncertainty, including in terms of health. 如果说,2019冠状病毒病COVID19的出现让世界进入混沌、迷茫的状态,感觉面对着一个前途未卜的未来,那么在全球升温3至4℃的情景中,地球将进入一个 完全不确定性的状态,包括人类健 康方面。
56049 Fundamental to a transformational and green recovery will be early action on a longer-term agenda to address climate change, avoid habitat loss and fragmentation, reverse the loss of biodiversity, reduce pollution and improve waste management and infrastructure. 实现转型和绿色复苏的根本在于,将围绕气候变化、避免栖息地丧失和碎片化、扭转生物多样性的丧失、减轻污染并改善废物管理和基础设施等方面开展早期行动,并使之适应长期方案。
56050 Confronted with a health crisis that has caused a global social and economic shock, the European Union and countries around the world are adopting major economic support programmes. 面对引起全球社会和经济冲击的健康危机,欧盟和各国正在出台主要的经济支持计划。