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56051 Beyond direct health responses, fiscal stimulus packages provide an opportunity for initiating a transformational and green recovery with the creation of green jobs. 除了直接的健康应对措施之外,财政刺激计有助于通过创造绿色就业机会,助力转型和绿色复苏。
56052 A new report by the Paris-based think tank I4CE Institute for Climate Economics, titled Investing in climate can help France drive its economic recovery, calls for a public finance package of 7 billion euros which it believes could trigger 19 billion euros of additional public and private investment. 法国气候经济研究所发布了一份最新报告《投资气候可以帮助法国推动其经济复苏》,该报告呼吁政府出台70亿欧元的一揽子公共财政刺激方案,据信这可能会带动190亿欧元的额外公共和私人投资。
56053 Such a stimulus package would contribute to the economic recovery post-crisis and make France more resilient to future shocks, without reducing its contribution to international climate goals. 这样的一揽子刺激方案将有助于危机后的经济复苏,并使法国对未来的冲击更具韧性,而不会降低其对国际气候目标的贡献。
56054 Prioritizing the environment, the economy and health 优先考虑环境,经济和健康
56055 The environment: by maintaining the credibility of the European Green Deal, by preserving the industrial capital of low-carbon sectors, by adapting the economy to climate change. T环境:通过严格执行《欧洲绿色协议》,保持对低碳行业的投资,使经济适应气候变化来实现。 
56056 The economy: by contributing to the revival of businesses in the short term while simultaneously reducing exposure to future crises such as oil price shocks, or the collapse of food and industrial supply chains. 经济:通过在短期内促进企业复苏,同时减少未来可能遇到的危机,例如石油价格冲击、食品和工业供应链的崩溃。
56057 Health: by reducing the vulnerability of society to health threats, particularly by improving air quality and reducing fuel poverty. 健康:通过减少社会对健康威胁的脆弱性,特别是通过改善空气质量和减少燃料贫困人数。
56058 Based on its assessment of the investments embodied in the French national climate strategy, I4CE  has identified 30 pro-climate, pro-recovery investments to retrofit public and private housing and other buildings, deploy low-emission passenger vehicles, and develop urban public transport infrastructure, rail infrastructure, cycle paths and renewable electricity. 根据对法国国家气候战略中体现的投资的评估,I4CE已经确定了30个促进气候,促进复苏的投资,以改造公共和私人住房及其他建筑物、部署低排放乘用车以及发展城市公共交通基础设施、铁路基础设施、自行车道和可再生电力。
56059 To achieve this, it says the French State should increase the existing level of support for climate investment by an additional 4.3 billion euros per year (1.3 billion euros for off taking guarantees for renewable electricity producers and 3 billion euros for the co-financing of households, companies and local governments that undertake new investments). 为实现这一目标,法国表示,法国应将对气候投资的现有支持水平每年再增加43亿欧元(13亿欧元用于为可再生电力生产商提供担保,30亿欧元用于家庭联合融资、公司和地方政府进行新投资)。
56060 Nature is in crisis, threatened by biodiversity and habitat loss, global heating and toxic pollution. 自然处于危机之中,面临生物多样性和栖息地丧失、全球变暖和有毒/有害污染 的威胁。