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56071 and the Nipah virus was linked to the intensification of pig farming and fruit production in Malaysia. 尼帕病毒的产生与马来西亚养猪业和水果生产的集约化有关。
56072 Scientists and specialists working at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have been pulling together the latest scientific facts about the coronavirus—what we know about the virus and what we don’t know. 联合国环境规划署(UNEP)的科学家和专家一直在收集有关冠状病毒的最新科学事实——针对这一病毒,我们已掌握的和尚未掌握的信息。
56073 While the origin of the outbreak and its transmission pathway are yet to be discovered, here are six important points worth knowing: 尽管尚未发现病毒暴发的根源及其传播途径,但以下六点亟需得到大家的关注和重视:
56074 The interaction of humans or livestock with wildlife exposes them to the risk of spillover of potential pathogens. 人或牲畜与野生动物的密切接触和相互作用使他们暴露在病原体“溢出”的风险 之中。
56075 For many zoonoses, livestock serve as an epidemiological bridge between wildlife and human infections. 对于许多人畜共患疾病来说,牲畜充当了野生动物携带病毒与人类感染病毒之间的传播桥梁。
56076 The drivers of zoonotic disease emergence are changes in the environment—usually the result of human activities, 人畜共患疾病发生的驱动力是环境的改变,通常是人类活动的结果,
56077 ranging from land use change to changing climate; 从土地用途的变化到气候的变化;
56078 changes in animals or human hosts; 动物或人类宿主的变化;
56079 and changes in pathogens, which always evolve to exploit new hosts.  病原体的变异,病原体不断进化,从而入侵新的宿主,在新的环境中繁殖。
56080 For example, bat-associated viruses emerged due to the loss of bat habitat from deforestation and agricultural expansion. 例如,由于森林砍伐和农业扩张导致蝙蝠栖息地的丧失,出现了与蝙蝠相关的病毒。