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56091 More than 130 Ministers call for support to culture sector in COVID-19 crisis response 130多位文化部长呼吁在新冠疫情对策中支持文化领域
56092 Over 130 Ministers and Vice-Ministers of Culture joined the online meeting convened by UNESCO to discuss actions to bolster the cultural sector, which is facing unprecedented upheaval due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 教科文组织与130多位文化部长和副部长举行了线上会议,讨论如何支持文化领域。由于新冠疫情,文化领域正面临前所未有的冲击。
56093 The ministers spoke of the direct effects of the current crisis on tourism, museums, cultural production and artists, as well as the measures that they have taken to mitigate the impact of the crisis. 部长们探讨了当前危机对旅游业、博物馆、文化生产和艺术家的直接影响,以及各国为减缓危机影响而采取的措施。
56094 They reaffirmed their commitment to intergovernmental dialogue and international solidarity in order to strengthen and unite their efforts. 他们重申了对政府间对话和国际团结的支持,以便加强和凝聚他们的努力。
56095 Opening the debate, the Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, reminded participants that “We need culture, so we need to help it to sustain this shock. 教科文组织总干事阿祖莱在为会议致开幕词时提醒与会者:“我们需要文化,因此我们必须帮助它抵御这一冲击。
56096 We must assess the impact of the crisis, launch a joint reflection and coordinated initiatives. 我们必须评估这场危机的影响,进行共同反思,采取协调行动。
56097 UNESCO fully intends to play its role in this process, in line with its mandate.” 教科文组织将坚定履行其职责,在这一进程中发挥其应有的作用。”
56098 Ministers highlighted the social and economic benefits of the culture sector in their countries, and agreed on the urgent need to invest in the sector during, and following, the crisis. 部长们强调了本国文化领域的社会和经济效益,并一致认为,我们迫切需要在危机期间和危机之后对该领域进行投资。
56099 The mobility restrictions and containment measures that governments have been forced to adopt due to the pandemic have drastically curbed access to culture in the short term and if action is not taken could weaken the entire cultural ecosystem for generations to come. 由于疫情,各国政府被迫采取限行和隔离措施,这在短期内严重限制了人们的文化获取。如果不采取行动,这些措施可能会在未来几代人的时间内对整个文化生态系统造成持续影响。
56100 The ripple effect of COVID-19 on culture 新冠疫情对文化的连锁反应