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56101 A large majority of countries cited the closures of their World Heritage sites and cultural institutions and the ripple effect this is having within their countries. 绝大多数国家表示关闭了本国的世界遗产地和文化机构,并指出了这些措施在本国产生的连锁反应。
56102 Indeed, to date, 90% of countries have closed or partially closed their UNESCO World Heritage sites and 128 countries have closed their cultural institutions. 事实上,截至目前,全世界九成国家已经全部或部分关闭了它们的教科文组织世界遗产地,128国已经关闭了它们的文化机构。
56103 In addition to these closures, traditional festivals and a wide array of other events have been cancelled, impacting the cultural life of communities and the income of creative professionals, whose work is often seasonal. 除此之外,传统节日和许多其他活动也被取消,这对社区的文化生活和创意产业工作者的收入产生了重大影响。他们的工作往往是季节性的,这使他们收到的影响更加严重。
56104 In fact, Ministers repeatedly noted that artists and creative professionals have been among the hardest hit in this crisis due to the fragility of the sector, with many being self-employed, employed in small and medium-sized enterprises and, in some cases, working in the informal sector. 事实上,部长们多次指出,由于文化领域的脆弱性,艺术家和创意产业工作者是这场危机中受到最严重打击的人群之一,其中许多人是自营职业者,受雇于中小型企业,有时从事非正式工作。
56105 During the meeting, many ministers highlighted that the collapse of cultural life and production was having a dire impact on the tourism sector which, in some countries, corresponds to more than half of the country’s economic activity. 在会议期间,许多部长强调,文化生活和生产的崩溃对旅游业造成了毁灭性的影响。在一些国家,全国经济一半以上依赖旅游业。
56106 Recent figures from the World Travel and Tourism Council show that 75 million jobs in the tourism sector are under threat. 世界旅行和旅游理事会最近的数据显示,有7500万旅游业从业者面临事业风险。
56107 Culture is a vital part of the solution 文化是疫情对策的重要组成部分
56108 A succession of ministers paid tribute to their national artists and all workers in the cultural sector, including heritage site managers, for their talents and their role in ensuring access to culture in these times of confinement, as well as their commitment to raising awareness about the pandemic through their activities. 数位部长向本国艺术家和所有文化工作者,包括遗址管理人员表示了敬意,赞扬了他们的才华、他们在隔离期间为保障文化获取所做的贡献以及他们通过自己的活动提高对疫情的认识的努力。
56109 Thanks to online platforms, access to culture has been ensured in many parts of the world, including through virtual museums, galleries and libraries. 虚拟博物馆、画廊和图书馆等线上平台保障了世界许多地方的文化获取。
56110 Countless musicians, dancers, visual artists and writers have made their works accessible online. 无数的音乐家、舞蹈家、视觉艺术家和作家把他们的作品发布到了网上。