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56111 Many such initiatives are also ensuring the continuity of arts education activities. 还有一些类似的倡议正在保障艺术教育活动的连续性。
56112 However, culture is not only been disseminated via digital platforms, as many parts of the world do not have the relevant infrastructure. 然而,文化不仅在通过数字平台传播,因为世界上许多地方没有相关的基础设施。
56113 Cooperation with television stations, radio and the press are also ensuring that people can connect with culture as a source of comfort, wellbeing and togetherness during these traumatic times. 一些国家还通过与电视台、广播电台和纸质媒体的合作确保人们能够在这一艰苦时期获取文化,感受慰藉、幸福和归属感。
56114 To address the fact that the cultural sector has been one of the first to be affected by this crisis, and yet often the last to receive budgetary support, 文化是最早受到这场危机影响的领域之一,但往往是最晚获得预算支持的领域。
56115 many ministers highlighted the emergency funding packages that they have put in place in their countries to safeguard the livelihoods of artists, artisans and creative professionals in the short term. Some of these include commissioning new works, often adapted to the new reality of the digital environment, to provide a continued income for individuals and access to culture for society as a whole. 为了解决这一实际问题,许多部长在本国实施了紧急供资一揽子计划,以便在短期内保障艺术家、工匠和创意产业工作者的生计,例如委托艺术家创作新作品,这些作品往往适应数字环境的新现实。这一举措既为艺术家个人提供了持续的收入,也为整个社会提供了获取文化的机会。
56116 Whilst countries are at different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, many have already begun to undertake impact assessments to address not only the short-term impact but also to devise strategies in the longer term. 虽然各国处于新冠疫情的不同阶段,但许多国家已经开始进行影响评估,以便同时处理短期影响和制定长期战略。
56117 For a great number of governments, the expansion of digital technologies will be a major part of the strategy. 对于许多国家的政府来说,数字技术的推广将是这一战略的重要组成部分。
56118 The UAE noted that “we must begin discussions on a holistic digital cultural economy and plan to support culture that does not easily translate in the virtual world.” 阿联酋指出:“我们必须开始讨论一个全面数字化的文化经济,并支持那些难以转化到虚拟世界中的文化。”
56119 Yet, as many Ministers pointed out, culture is also a collective experience of our shared humanity and it will be important to revitalise human contact when it is safe to do so. 然而,正如许多部长指出的那样,文化也是全人类的一种集体体验,应当在安全的前提下适时恢复人与人的接触。
56120 Building a broad coalition to support the cultural ecosystem 建立广泛的联盟以支持文化生态系统