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56121 The massive participation in the meeting itself was a testament to the need for international solidarity at this time, a sentiment that was echoed repeatedly by the Ministers. 此次会议与会者人数之多本身就证明了此时此刻我们需要国际团结,这一精神得到了部长们的广泛呼应。
56122 For example, China, the first country to be affected by COVID-19, noted that “culture can - and should - bring us together, boost international commitment and restore hope and confidence.” 例如,第一个受到新冠疫情影响的国家中国指出“文化可以,也应该发挥出更大的凝聚力、团结力,扩大国际共识,为我们度过危机提供动力、希望和信心”。
56123 Several other Member States called for a strengthened platform for dialogue to share good practices among states. 其他几个会员国呼吁巩固对话平台,以便在各国之间分享良好实践。
56124 Others highlighted the need for international financial mechanisms to support the countries least able to reinforce their cultural sectors. 其他部长强调,需要建立国际融资机制,以支持那些最没有能力发展本国文化领域的国家。
56125 Even the enhancement of UNESCO normative instruments was cited as a long-term goal, as the crisis has brought into stark relief the importance of culture for society, as well as its vulnerability. 充实教科文组织的规范性文件也被列为一项长期目标,因为这场危机凸显了文化对社会的重要性及其脆弱性。
56126 As the Czech Republic underscored, “Culture is an essential part of society, it is not a luxury.” 正如捷克所强调的,“文化不是一种奢侈品,而是社会不可或缺的一部分。”
56127 Many Ministers noted that the impact of the crisis on the cultural sector is not to be understated and the world will look different after the lifting of these exceptional measures. 多位部长指出,不应低估危机对文化部门的影响,在这些非常措施解除之后,世界将发生巨大变化。
56128 Sweden implored fellow ministers to “join our efforts to defend open and democratic societies where creators can work under free, fair and safe conditions and where artistic freedom is protected and promoted”. 瑞典呼吁各国文化部长“共同努力捍卫开放和民主的社会,使创作者能够在自由、公平和安全的条件下工作,并保护和促进艺术自由”。
56129 Indeed, many countries said that in the long term we must adapt to a “new normal”, with countries such as Mali saying that “this crisis is an opportunity to develop a global and strategic reflection on culture.” Quite simply, stated Mexico, “culture has always saved us in the past and this time will not be any different”. 许多国家表示,从长远来看,我们必须适应一种“新常态”。马里等国指出“这场危机是对文化进行全球性和战略性反思的机会。” 墨西哥则直截了当地表示:“人类在历史上总是被文化所拯救,这次的情形也将如此。”
56130 Closing the debate, the Assistant Director-General for Culture, Ernesto Ottone R. recalled that “there can be no future without culture”. 教科文组织文化助理总干事奥托内(Ernesto Ottone R.)在会议结束前重申:“没有文化就没有未来”。