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56131 He concluded that “This meeting has shown your great commitment and UNESCO will continue to support you. 他总结道:“这次会议展示了你们的巨大投入,教科文组织将继续支持你们。
56132 We cannot reverse the progress seen over the past few years in the cultural sector. 我们不能让过去几年中文化领域取得的进展被扭转。
56133 It through culture that we will forge our collective resilience and it is culture that will bring us closer together.” 通过文化,我们将铸就我们的集体韧性,文化将使我们更紧密地团结在一起。”
56134 Good morning, good afternoon and good evening. 大家早上好,下午好,晚上好。
56135 First of all, we’re pleased to have interpretation services available in Portuguese today, and I’d like to welcome all Portuguese-speaking journalists. The next will be Swahili and Hindi, and we will continue as WHO to invest in multilingualism, because our beauty is our diversity. 首先,我们很高兴今天有葡萄牙语的口译服务。我要向所有讲葡语的记者表示欢迎。下一个目标将是斯瓦希里语和印地语。世卫组织将继续拓展多语种服务。本组织的优势就在于其本身的多样性。
56136 WHO remains committed to providing access to as much as information as possible, in as many languages as possible, and reach every corner of our world. 世卫组织致力于以尽可能多的语言提供尽可能多的信息,以覆盖世界的每一个角落。
56137 I have said since the beginning that the most important resource in the fight against COVID-19 is solidarity. Solidarity, solidarity, solidarity. 我从一开始就反复强调,在抗击COVID-19的斗争中最重要的因素就是团结,团结,团结,再团结。
56138 The launch of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator on Friday was a powerful demonstration of that solidarity. 上周五,获取COVID-19工具加速计划的启动就是这种团结协作的一个明证。
56139 WHO is deeply grateful to the many world leaders and partners who have come together to ensure no-one misses out on life-saving vaccines, diagnostics or therapeutics. 世卫组织非常感谢许多世界领导人和合作伙伴通力合作,确保无人错失获得救命的疫苗、诊断工具或治疗方法的机会。
56140 We look forward to more countries and stakeholders supporting this global collaboration, this global movement. 我们期待更多的国家和利益攸关方支持这一全球协作计划和全球运动。