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56141 This initiative is a vital investment in the response, both for the short term and the long term. 无论是从短期看,还是从长期来看,这一举措都是一项重要的抗疫投资。
56142 Diagnostics are helping us now to find cases and ensure people are isolated and get the right care. 诊断工具有助于我们发现病例,确保患者被隔离并得到正确的治疗。
56143 And we’re hopeful that the Solidarity Trial will shortly help us to understand which therapeutics are the most safe and effective for treating patients. 我们希望团结试验项目将很快帮助我们了解哪些疗法对治疗患者最安全有效。
56144 But ultimately, we will need a vaccine to control this virus. 但最终,我们需要有疫苗来控制这种病毒。
56145 The success in developing effective drugs and vaccines for Ebola reminds us of the enormous value of these tools and the enormous power of national and international collaboration to develop them. 成功研制有效的埃博拉药物和疫苗显示了这类工具的巨大价值,以及国家和国际合作开发此类工具的巨大力量。
56146 WHO played a key role in the development of the Ebola vaccine, and we’re doing the same for COVID-19. 世卫组织在埃博拉疫苗的开发中发挥了关键作用。我们也正在针对COVID-19开展同样的工作。
56147 Developing a COVID-19 vaccine has been accelerated because of previous work WHO and partners have done over several years on vaccines for other coronaviruses including SARS and MERS. 鉴于世卫组织与合作伙伴在过去几年中已在针对其他冠状病毒(包括SARS和中东呼吸综合征)的疫苗方面开展了大量工作,开发COVID-19疫苗的速度已经加快。
56148 Although COVID-19 is taking a heavy toll, WHO is deeply concerned about the impact the pandemic will have on other health services, especially for children. COVID-19造成重大生命损失,与此同时,世卫组织对这一大流行病对其他医疗服务,尤其是儿童健康服务产生的影响,深感忧虑。
56149 Children may be at relatively low risk from severe disease and death from COVID-19, but can be at high risk from other diseases that can be prevented with vaccines. 虽然儿童严重感染或死于COVID-19的风险相对较低,但感染可用疫苗预防的其他疾病的风险较高。
56150 This week is World Immunization Week. 本周是世界免疫周。