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56151 Immunization is one of the greatest success stories in the history of global health. 免疫接种是全球卫生史上最伟大的成功范例。
56152 More than 20 diseases can be prevented with vaccines. 疫苗可以预防20多种疾病。
56153 Every year, more than 116 million infants are vaccinated, or 86% of all children born globally. 每年,超过1.16亿婴儿接种疫苗,占全球新生儿总数的86%。
56154 But there are still more than 13 million children around the world who miss out on vaccination. 但是,世界上仍然有超过1300万儿童没有接种疫苗。
56155 We know that that number will increase because of COVID-19. 我们知道这个数字会因COVID-19而增加。
56156 Already, polio vaccination campaigns have been put on hold, and in some countries, routine immunization services are being scaled back or shut down. 脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种活动已经搁置。在一些国家,常规免疫服务正在缩减或关闭。
56157 With the start of the southern hemisphere flu season, it’s vital that everyone gets their seasonal flu vaccine. 随着南半球流感季节的来临,人人接种季节性流感疫苗至关重要。
56158 Even when services are operating, some parents and caregivers are avoiding taking their children to be vaccinated because of concerns about COVID-19. 即便仍有接种服务,一些父母或儿童照料者也因担心COVID-19而避免带孩子去接种疫苗。
56159 And myths and misinformation about vaccines are adding fuel to the fire, putting vulnerable people at risk. 关于疫苗的谣传和错误信息火上浇油,使弱势群体处于危险境地。
56160 When vaccination coverage goes down, more outbreaks will occur, including of life-threatening diseases like measles and polio. 如果疫苗接种覆盖率下降,将会暴发更多的疫情,包括暴发危及生命的疾病,如麻疹和脊灰。