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56171 A new modelling analysis published last week estimates the potential disruption to malaria services from COVID-19 in 41 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. 上周发布的一项新的模型分析报告估算了COVID-19可能对撒哈拉以南非洲41个国家疟疾防治服务的干扰。
56172 In the worst-case scenario, the number of malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Africa could double. 在最坏的情况下,撒哈拉以南非洲的疟疾死亡人数可能会增加一倍。
56173 But that doesn’t have to happen, and we are working with countries and partners to support them to put measures in place to ensure that services for malaria continue even as COVID-19 spreads. 但这并非注定要发生。我们正与有关国家和合作伙伴一道支持它们采取措施,确保即使在COVID-19蔓延的情况下,仍能继续提供疟疾防治服务。
56174 As lockdowns in Europe ease with declining numbers of new cases, we continue to urge countries to find, isolate, test and treat all cases of COVID-19 and trace every contact, to ensure these declining trends continue. 随着新增病例数量的减少,欧洲的封闭措施有所缓解。我们继续敦促欧洲各国发现、隔离、检测和治疗所有COVID-19病例,并追踪每一个接触者,以确保下降趋势继续下去。
56175 But the pandemic is far from over. 但是大流行还远未结束。
56176 WHO continues to be concerned about the increasing trends in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and some Asian countries. 世卫组织继续关注非洲、东欧、拉丁美洲和一些亚洲国家的增长趋势。
56177 As in all regions, cases and deaths are underreported in many countries in these regions because of low testing capacity. 与所有区域一样,这些地区的许多国家,由于检测能力低,对病例数和死亡数报告不足。
56178 We are continuing to support these countries with technical assistance through our regional and country offices, and with supplies through Solidarity Flights. 我们继续通过世卫组织的区域和国家办事处提供技术援助,并通过“团结航班”提供物资,支持这些国家。
56179 In the past week, we have delivered supplies to more than 40 countries in Africa, and more are planned. 在过去的一周里,我们已经向40多个非洲国家运送了物资,并计划运送更多的物资。
56180 Globally, WHO has shipped millions of items of personal protective equipment to 105 countries, and lab supplies to more than 127 countries. 在全球范围内,世卫组织已向105个国家运送了数百万套个人防护装备,并向超过127个国家运送了实验室用品。