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56181 We will ship many millions more in the weeks ahead, and we’re preparing aggressively. 在未来数周,我们将运送更多的物资,我们正为此大力筹备。
56182 Later this week WHO will launch its second Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan, with an estimate of the resources needed for the next stage of the global response. 本周晚些时候,世卫组织将启动第二项战略防范和应对计划,对全球应对下一阶段所需的物资作出估计。
56183 I would like to thank the People’s Republic of China, Portugal and Viet Nam for their recent contributions to WHO’s Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan. 我要感谢中华人民共和国、葡萄牙和越南最近对世卫组织战略防范和应对计划提供的捐款。
56184 We’re also grateful to the more than 280,000 individuals, corporations and foundations who have contributed to the Solidarity Response Fund, which has now generated more than US$200 million. 我们也感谢28万多名个人、公司和基金给予团结应对基金的捐款,该基金现已筹集了2亿多美元。
56185 And I thank FluLab especially for its contribution of US$10 million. 我还要特别感谢流感实验室公益组织FluLab捐赠1000万美元。
56186 We have a long road ahead of us, and a lot of work to do. WHO is committed to doing everything we can to support all countries. 我们任重而道远。世卫组织承诺尽其所能支持所有国家。
56187 But political leadership is also essential, including the vital role of parliaments. 但政治领导力也至关重要,包括议会的重要作用。
56188 As a former parliamentarian, I fully recognize the big role that parliaments can play. 作为一名前议员,我充分认识到议会可发挥的重要作用。
56189 Tomorrow I will be participating in a webinar for parliamentarians hosted by WHO, the Inter-parliamentary Union, and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, to discuss the role parliaments can play to reduce risks, strengthen emergency preparedness and increase resilience. 明天,我将参加世卫组织、各国议会联盟和联合国减少灾害风险办公室为各国议员举办的网络研讨会,讨论议会在减少风险、加强应急准备和提高复原力方面可以发挥的作用。
56190 I continue to call for the world to come together in solidarity and national unity to confront this pandemic, but also to prevent the next one, and to build a healthier, safer, fairer world for everyone, everywhere. 我继续呼吁举世团结一致,举国团结一致,共同抗击这场大流行病,同时防止下一次大流行病,建立更健康、更安全、更公平的世界,造福全世界人民。