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56221 微软中国6200名员工中已经有半数复工,他们被要求戴口罩工作,保持社交隔离。 마이크로소프트 차이나의 직원 6200명 이미 절반이 업무에 복귀했으며, 그들은 지침에 따라 마스크를 착용하고, 사회적 거리두기를 지키고 있다.
56222 他还说,一些国家可以向另一些检测体系强的国家学习,中国到目前仍对社会“重启”持谨慎态度,并避免了任何重大的疫情反复。 그는 일부 국가는 일부 검사 체계가 강한 나라에 배울 수도 있다면서 중국은 중대한 전염병 상황이 재발하는 것을 막기 위해 지금까지도 사회 ‘재가동’에 대해 신중한 태도를 유지하고 있다고 말했다.
56223 当前,非洲新冠肺炎疫情快速蔓延,非洲国家抗疫任务艰巨。 The COVID-19 pandemic is fast spreading in Africa, posing daunting challenges to African countries.
56224 为进一步加大对非洲国家抗疫工作的技术支持,中国外交部会同中国国家卫健委将组织召开“中非连线、携手抗疫”系列视频技术交流会,届时中国抗疫专家将同非洲国家政府官员和专家围绕疫情防控策略、临床救治、检测方法、边境检疫、风险评估等主题进行专题交流。 To provide further technical support to Africa, the Foreign Ministry and the National Health Commission will organize a series of video conferences on technical exchange on COVID-19, during which Chinese medical professionals will share their know-how with African officials and experts on epidemic prevention and control, clinical diagnosis and treatment, test methods, border quarantine and risk assessment.
56225 首次会议将于北京时间今天下午4点举行。 The first conference will be held at 4pm (Beijing time) today.
56226 中方对非洲疫情形势和面临的挑战感同身受,已经并将继续在力所能及的范围内向非洲国家提供各种形式的支持和帮助。 China deeply relates to what Africa is experiencing in face of challenges posed by the spread of COVID-19. We have provided and will continue to provide our utmost support and assistance to African countries through various means.
56227 中方将根据疫情发展和非洲国家的需要和愿望,向非洲国家提供更多抗疫物资,派遣更多医疗专家组,加快推进非洲疾控中心建设,加强中非公共卫生和疾病防控合作。 In light of the development of the epidemics and African countries' needs, China will offer more anti-epidemic supplies, send more medical teams, accelerate the building of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and step up China-Africa cooperation in public health and disease prevention and control.
56228 我们愿与非方共同努力,夺取抗疫斗争的最终胜利。 We are ready to work with Africa to achieve the final victory against COVID-19.
56229 韩国广播电视台记者:报道称,最近中国向朝鲜派遣了医疗队,帮助朝鲜应对新冠肺炎。 KBS: It is reported that China recently sent a medical team to the DPRK to help it deal with COVID-19.
56230 但也有报道称中方医疗队赴朝是为了对金正恩委员长进行治疗。 But there are also reports that the team was to treat Chairman Kim Jong Un's condition.