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56241 检测试剂跟医疗队是两个概念。 Testing reagents and a medical team are two different concepts.
56242 而且我也说了,当前疫情在全球蔓延,中方将在做好国内防控工作的同时,继续在力所能及的范围内向有需要的国家提供帮助。 I have also said that as the pandemic is spreading rapidly around the world, while containing it at home, China will continue to provide assistance to countries in need to the best of our ability.
56243 路透社记者:有消息称,中方曾寻求阻止欧盟发布指责北京散播有关新冠肺炎疫情虚假信息的报告。中方为何这么做? Reuters: There are reports that China sought to block a EU report alleging that Beijing was spreading disinformation about the coronavirus outbreak. Why did China do that?
56244 耿爽:首先我要指出,中方一贯反对制造和传播虚假信息,反对任何人、任何机构采取这种行为。 Geng Shuang: First I must stress that China stands against the creation and spread of disinformation by any individual or institution.
56245 中方是虚假信息的受害者,不是发起者。 China is a victim rather than a source of disinformation.
56246 新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中国政府本着公开、透明、负责任的态度,及时分享抗疫信息和经验,积极开展抗疫国际合作,在力所能及的范围内向其他国家提供支持和帮助。中方的所作所为得到了国际社会的高度认可和积极评价。 Since the pandemic broke out, in an open, transparent and responsible manner, the Chinese government has been sharing information and experience, participating in anti-pandemic international cooperation, and providing support and assistance to other countries to the best of our ability, which has won acclaim from the international community.
56247 可以说,中方是靠自身的艰苦努力、真诚态度和责任担当赢得了国际社会的赞许。这不是靠散布虚假信息就能得来的。 It is fair to say that the we earned the international recognition with our arduous efforts, sincerity and fulfillment of responsibilities, not through spreading disinformation.
56248 当前形势下,散布虚假信息、相互指责无助于抗疫国际合作。 Disinformation and recriminations are not good for global cooperation in this fight.
56249 国际社会应共同抵制虚假信息,和衷共济、精诚合作,早日战胜疫情,共同维护全球的公共卫生安全。 The international community should cooperate in good faith to assist each other, vanquish this pandemic at an early date, and jointly safeguard global public health security.
56250 深圳卫视记者:我们注意到,近期美社会各界对美政府应对新冠肺炎疫情的质疑声日趋增多。 Shenzhen TV: More people in the US are casting doubts on the US government's response to the pandemic.