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56251 4月4日,《华盛顿邮报》刊发深度调查文章,全景式回顾梳理了美方在疫情发生最初阶段应对不力的表现和原因。 On April 4, Washington Post published an in-depth investigative article that gives a panoramic view of how and why the US government handled the epidemics poorly at the early stage.
56252 4月13日和19日,哥伦比亚广播公司、CNN记者分别在白宫记者会上质疑,既然美政府早知疫情会全球扩散蔓延,为何不尽快采取防疫措施。 On April 13 and 19 at the White House press briefings, CBS and CNN journalists questioned the delay in the US government's response to COVID-19 when it already knew the potential risks of the global spread.
56253 4月14日,《大西洋月刊》网站发表文章称,美政府没有采取强有力的防控措施,这是美疫情大暴发的最主要原因。 On April 14, The Atlantic said in an article that the main reason for the huge outbreak of cases in the US is a lack of forceful government measures.
56254 4月21日,《洛杉矶时报》报道,根据美加州圣克拉拉县当地卫生官员公布的尸检报告,美最早一例新冠肺炎死亡病例于2月6日出现了,比美疾控中心此前确认首例死亡病例时间提早了近1个月。 On April 21, the Los Angeles Times reported that according to the autopsy results released by Santa Clara County health officials, the first death case from the novel coronavirus was actually on February 6, almost one month early than the first known death declared by the US CDC.
56255 圣克拉拉县官员还称,加州最早的感染病例可能出现在去年12月。 Santa Clara officials also said that people in California may already be infected as early as last December.
56256 请问中方有何评论? What is your comment?
56257 耿爽:的确,近期美国国内有不少质疑并担忧美国政府是否及时有效应对疫情的声音。 Geng Shuang: Indeed, many in the US have been questioning and worrying whether the US government has responded timely and effectively to the outbreak.
56258 这些声音包括,疫情到底最早何时在美国出现?美国政府是否隐瞒了什么?为什么急着向其他国家和国际组织“甩锅”? They want to get the facts straight: when did the first case occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why is it so desperately seeking to pin the blame on other countries and international organizations?
56259 在这些问题上,我们希望美国政府能够及时回应本国人民和国际社会的关切,是否也可以请世卫组织协助调查。 We hope the US government can timely respond to the concerns of its own people and the international community. The WHO may also be invited to help review this process.
56260 流行性疾病是人类的共同敌人,中国人民和美国人民都是受害者,国际社会只有团结协作,才能战而胜之。 Infectious diseases are the common enemy of all mankind, and both the Chinese and American people are victims. Only through solidarity and cooperation can the international community win the war against the virus.