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56261 我们希望美方本着公开、透明、负责任的态度,切实采取有效措施维护好本国人民的生命安全和身体健康,并同国际社会一道共同维护好全球公共卫生安全。 We hope the US will adopt an open, transparent and responsible attitude, take effective measures to safeguard the life and health of its people, and work with the international community to safeguard global public health security.
56262 路透社记者:你刚才说,是否也可以请世卫组织到美国去调查,那么,你认为应调查美国应对新冠肺炎疫情的哪些方面? Reuters: You mentioned that perhaps the WHO may be called in to investigate the US, so exactly what do you think should be investigated about the US response to COVID-19?
56263 耿爽:中国媒体记者刚才提问时援引了一段时间以来美国媒体、智库和专家对美国政府的质疑声音。 Geng Shuang: The Chinese journalist cited some doubts on the US government from US media, thinktanks and professionals.
56264 听到这些声音,大家有理由表达关切。 Upon hearing those doubts, people have good reason to express concerns.
56265 我们希望美国政府能够及时回应本国人民以及国际社会的关切。 We hope the US government can timely respond to the concerns of its own people and the international community.
56266 澎湃新闻记者:美国媒体24日曝光了一份共和党参议院全国委员会向竞选机构发送的备忘录,这份长达57页的备忘录建议共和党候选人通过“积极攻击中国”来应对疫情危机。 The Paper: As exposed by American media on April 24, the National Republican Senatorial Committee has sent campaigns a detailed, 57-page memo advising GOP candidates to address the coronavirus crisis by aggressively attacking China.
56267 备忘录中强调了三条主要攻击路线, The memo stresses three main lines of assault:
56268 一是“中国掩盖真相导致病毒蔓延”、二是民主党人“对中国态度软弱”、三是共和党人将因中国导致疫情传播而推动对中国的制裁。 that China caused the virus "by covering it up," that Democrats are "soft on China," and that Republicans will "push for sanctions on China for its role in spreading this pandemic."
56269 备忘录还显示,共和党人有意在美国大选中继续炒作中国话题。 It also suggests that Republicans have indicated they plan to make China a centerpiece of the 2020 campaign.
56270 中方有何回应? I wonder if you have any comment?