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56271 耿爽:我注意到有关报道。 Geng Shuang: I noted reports on that.
56272 美国一些政治势力为什么总是千方百计要借疫情攻击抹黑中国,答案不言自明。 It's just all too obvious why some political forces in the US have been obsessively attacking China using the pandemic as a weapon.
56273 美方口口声声说“中方散布虚假信息”,如果报道属实,我们不禁要问:到底是谁在散布虚假信息? The US claimed time and again that "China spreads disinformation." If those reports are true, we must ask: who exactly has been the source of disinformation?
56274 中方坚决反对美国有些人硬把中国扯进美国的选举政治,拿中国说事捞取选票;我们也坚决反对美国有些人借疫情攻击抹黑中国,损害中方利益。 We firmly oppose the attempts of some people in the US to grab votes and undermine China's interests by smearing China in the context of the pandemic and the US presidential elections.
56275 韩国中央日报记者:据报道,中共中央对外联络部部长宋涛已赴朝鲜,你可否证实? JoongAng Ilbo: Reports say Song Tao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, has traveled to the DPRK. Can you confirm that?
56276 另外,由50余名医生和护士组成的医疗队也已赶赴朝鲜,你可否证实? Also, can you confirm whether a medical team of about 50 doctors and nurses have been dispatched to the DPRK?
56277 耿爽:我刚才回答你同事的提问时已经说过,我不知道这些报道的消息源是哪里。我没有这方面的信息可以提供。 Geng Shuang: Like I said to your colleague, I don't know what your source is, and I have nothing to say about that.
56278 路透社记者:目前,国际上有很多关于各国应对疫情不同作法的指责,中方会不会在将来某个时候支持对新冠病毒进行独立调查,包括病毒如何在中国产生的? Reuters: Given these accusations flying about the different handling of the virus in various countries, is there a time in the future where China would support an independent investigation into the virus and how it began in China?
56279 耿爽:首先我要强调,中国是首先报告新冠肺炎疫情的国家,但并不意味着中国就是新冠病毒的源头。 Geng Shuang: First I must underscore that being the first country to report COVID-19 cases doesn't necessarily make China the origin of the novel coronavirus.
56280 我们多次说过,病毒源头问题是个科学问题,需要科学家和专业人士研究。 Like we said repeatedly, the origin of the novel coronavirus is a complicated scientific matter that should be the subject of study for scientists and medical experts.