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56281 当前一些政治人物就病毒起源进行政治操弄,借此攻击抹黑他国不得人心,他们的图谋不会得逞。 Some politicians are trying to make political maneuvers over the origin to smear other countries, but their unpopular attempts will never succeed.
56282 疫情发生以来,中方始终本着公开、透明、负责任的态度,第一时间对外介绍有关情况,第一时间对外分享病毒基因序列,第一时间对外开展抗疫合作。 Since the epidemics broke out, China has been fighting COVID-19 in an open, transparent and responsible manner. We reported the cases to the international community, shared the genome sequence of the virus, and carried out international cooperation to contain the virus, all at the earliest time possible.
56283 中方为国际抗疫斗争积累了宝贵经验,作出了重要贡献,国际社会对此有目共睹,也普遍给予高度评价。 In this process, China has accumulated valuable experience and made significant contributions to the global flight, which has been witnessed and applauded by the international community.
56284 这种情况下,一些人鼓噪所谓的“调查”,与当前国际社会携手抗击疫情的氛围不符,借此进行政治操弄尤其不得人心。 Against such a backdrop, the so-called "investigation" proposed by some people is not consistent with the general trend of concerted international efforts against the virus. Their political manipulation will make no waves.
56285 中方将继续坚定地同国际社会并肩作战,共同抗击疫情。 China will continue standing firmly with the international community to defeat the pandemic.
56286 我们也将继续在力所能及范围内向其他国家提供支持和帮助。我刚才已宣布,中方将同非洲国家举行视频会议,并向他们提供更多的、具体的、实实在在的支持和帮助。 We will continue helping other countries as much as we can. Like I announced earlier, there will be video conferences between China and African countries. We will also offer greater, more concrete support to them.
56287 国际社会的当务之急,是聚焦抗疫合作,而不是相互指责,甚至鼓噪什么追责,这些都不具建设性。 The urgent task for all countries is still focusing on international cooperation rather than pointing fingers, demanding accountability and other non-constructive approaches.
56288 追问:那么是否可以说,在当前政治形势下,对中国或任何国家进行独立调查是不可能的? Follow-up: Is it correct to say that under the current political situation, an independent investigation is not possible into China or any other country?
56289 耿爽:各国当务之急是加强协调合作,共同抗击疫情,赢得这场人类同病毒斗争的胜利,而不是去搞什么政治操弄。 Geng Shuang: Like I said, the urgent task for all countries is to coordinate and cooperate to defeat the pandemic.
56290 这对当前的国际抗疫合作没有任何帮助,也不具建设性。 Political maneuvers are just unhelpful and non-constructive.