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56291 路透社记者:第一,中方是否掌握朝鲜最高领导人现在的身体健康状况? Reuters TV: Firstly, as far as China understands, what state of health is the North Korean leader in at the moment?
56292 第二,中方是否欢迎未来几个月全球疫情稍微缓和后,对病毒源头进行独立调查的建议? Secondly, does China welcome the idea of an independent investigation into the origin of the virus a few months down the line when things have calmed down a bit internationally?
56293 耿爽:关于第一个问题,你的很多同行都已经问过了,我能告诉你就是我这里没有信息可以提供。 Geng Shuang: Your first question was also raised by several other journalists. I'm afraid I have nothing to say on that.
56294 在上周记者会上我也曾经说过,中朝是山水相连的近邻,我们愿意同朝方一道努力,推动两国关系不断向前发展。 Like I said last week, China and the DPRK are close neighbors, and we will work with the DPRK to advance bilateral relations.
56295 关于第二个问题,病毒溯源是科学问题,需要科学家和专业人士研究。 As for the second question, tracing the origin of a virus is a scientific matter that should be studied by scientists and professionals.
56296 有关研究只有将众多生物学信息和流行病学证据汇聚成相互印证的证据链,才算真正完成任务。 The research of the origin of virus cannot be truly completed without forming a chain of mutually-corrobarating evidence with a large amount of biological information and epidemiological findings.
56297 与此同时,病毒溯源也是科学难题,往往需要较长时间,才能够有明确结论,而且存在一定不确定性。 In the meantime, tracing the origin is a difficult scientific problem, and it often takes long to reach a clear conclusion, and there are also uncertainties.
56298 人类历史上许多疾病,对其源头的探索历经十几年甚至几十年,虽然取得一些进展,但一直未能得到最终的确切答案,研究工作至今仍在继续。 The process to trace the origins of many diseases in human history has taken over ten years or even decades. Although some progress has been made, definitive answers are yet to be found, with research still underway today.
56299 目前世界各国科学家都在开展关于新冠病毒源头的研究,对病毒来源也提出了一些学术上的观点、猜想和假设。 Scientists all over the world are carrying out research on the origins of the novel coronavirus. They put forward various viewpoints, hypotheses and speculations.
56300 但到目前为止,国际上的初步研究结论尚不能明确新冠病毒的初始传播路径。 However, the international preliminary research findings are unable to identify the initial transmission routes of the novel coronavirus.