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56301 因此,现在就新冠病毒的起源下确定性结论,既没有科学证据,也有违科学精神。 Therefore, at present, any definitive conclusion of the origin just lacks scientific evidence and is against the spirit of science.
56302 这里我要指出,病毒溯源本身是科学问题,目的是防止此类疫情再次发生,对人类社会再次造成伤害,而不是去指责、归咎他人,更不是去搞什么追责和索赔,国际上没有这种先例,也没有相关法律依据。 Here, I would like to point out that the origin of the virus itself is a scientific issue, the purpose of which is to prevent such outbreaks from happening again and causing harm to the human society, rather than to blame others, let alone to pursue recriminations and retribution. There is no such precedent or legal provision internationally.
56303 当前新冠病毒肺炎仍在全球扩散蔓延,世界各国应当聚焦疫情防控和病患救治。 As the COVID-19 is still spreading around the world, countries should focus on pandemic containment, diagnosis and treatment.
56304 此时将溯源问题政治化,不仅有违科学研究的初衷,干扰相关的国际合作,而且不利于国家之间的互信,不利于全球携手抗击疫情。 Politicizing the origin of the virus is inconsistent with the purpose of relevant scientific research. It will only disrupt international cooperation in tracing the origin, undermine mutual trust between countries, and hinder global efforts to combat the pandemic.
56305 NYC funeral home overwhelmed by coronavirus deaths stores bodies in moving trucks 纽约市殡仪馆因冠状病毒死亡而不堪重负,将身体存放在移动的卡车上
56306 NEW YORK Police were called to a Brooklyn neighborhood Wednesday after a funeral home overwhelmed by the coronavirus resorted to storing dozens of bodies on ice in rented trucks, and a passerby complained about the smell, officials said. 纽约-官员们说,周三,一家被冠状病毒淹没的殡仪馆求助于用租来的卡车冰冻存放数十具身体后,警方接到报警,来到布鲁克林的一个社区,一名路人抱怨气味。
56307 Investigators who responded to a 911 call found that the home had rented four trucks to hold about 50 corpses, according to a law enforcement official. 据一名执法官员称,接听911电话的调查人员发现,这所房子租了四辆卡车,用来存放大约50具身体。
56308 No criminal charges were brought and the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the investigation, spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. 没有提起刑事指控,这名官员在不愿透露姓名的情况下接受了美联社的采访。这名官员没有被授权公开谈论调查。
56309 The Andrew T. Cleckley Funeral Home was cited for failing to control the odors. 安德鲁·T·克莱克利殡仪馆因未能控制气味而被传讯。
56310 The home was able to obtain a larger, refrigerated truck later in the day, the official said. 这位官员说,当天晚些时候,这家人能够获得一辆更大的冷藏卡车。