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56311 Workers suited up in protective gear could be seen in the afternoon transferring bodies into the refrigerated truck. 下午,可以看到穿着防护装备的工人将身体转移到冷藏车上。
56312 A person who answered the phone at the funeral home hung up without speaking.Subsequent calls went to voicemail, which was full. 一位在殡仪馆接电话的人没说话就挂断了电话。随后的电话转到语音信箱,语音信箱已满。
56313 New York City funeral homes have struggled in the city since late March. 自3月下旬以来,纽约市的殡仪馆一直在苦苦挣扎。
56314 The city set up temporary morgues. 这座城市设立了临时停尸房。
56315 Hospitals used refrigerated tractor trailers to cart away multiple bodies at a time, sometimes loading them in public view on the sidewalk. 医院使用冷藏拖拉机拖车一次运走多具身体,有时会在人行道上将身体装载到公众面前。
56316 Crematoriums have been backed up. 火葬场已经建好了。
56317 Funeral directors across the city have pleaded for help as they have run out of space. 全市的葬礼承办人已经请求帮助,因为他们已经用完了空间。
56318 The NYPD notified the state Department of Health, which oversees funeral homes, about the situation at the Andrew T. Cleckley Funeral Home. 纽约警察局将安德鲁·T·克莱克利殡仪馆(Andrew T.Cleckley)的情况通知了负责监管殡仪馆的州卫生部。
56319 It did not respond to an email seeking comment. 它没有回复寻求置评的电子邮件。
56320 Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams went to the scene on Wednesday evening. 布鲁克林自治区主席埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)周三晚上前往现场。