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56321 He told the Daily News, “While this situation is under investigation, we should not have what we have right now, with trucks lining the streets filled with bodies.” 他告诉“每日新闻”说:“虽然这种情况正在调查中,但我们不应该有现在这样的情况,街道两旁挤满了身体的卡车。”
56322 He said “it was people who walked by who saw some leakage and detected an odor coming from a truck.” 他说:“是路过的人看到了一些渗漏,并检测到一辆卡车传来的气味。”
56323 (Reuters) - Britain's AstraZeneca joined forces with the University of Oxford on Thursday to help develop, produce and distribute a potential COVID-19 vaccine, as drugmakers around the world race to find a solution to the deadly disease. (路透社)--英国的阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)周四与牛津大学(University Of Oxford)联手,帮助开发、生产和分销一种潜在的冠状病毒疫苗,世界各地的制药商都在竞相寻找这种致命疾病的解决方案。
56324 UK Business Secretary Alok Sharma welcomed the tie-up as a vital step to making the Oxford vaccine available as soon as possible if it succeeds in clinical trials. 英国商务大臣阿洛克·夏尔马(Alok Sharma)对这一合作表示欢迎,认为这是如果牛津疫苗在临床试验中取得成功,尽快提供疫苗的关键一步。
56325 A team of British scientists last week dosed the first volunteers, and earlier this month said large-scale production capacity was being put in place to make millions of doses even before trials show whether it is effective. 上周,一组英国科学家给第一批志愿者注射了药物,本月早些时候表示,甚至在试验显示是否有效之前,就已经建立了大规模的生产能力,以生产数百万剂药物。
56326 Only a handful of the vaccines in development have advanced to human trials, an indicator of safety and efficacy - and the stage where most vaccines fail. 只有少数正在开发的疫苗已经进入人体试验,这是安全性和有效性的指标-也是大多数疫苗失败的阶段。
56327 "Our hope is that, by joining forces, we can accelerate the globalisation of a vaccine to combat the virus and protect people from the deadliest pandemic in a generation," AstraZeneca Chief Executive Pascal Soriot said. 阿斯利康首席执行官帕斯卡尔·索里奥(Pascal Soriot)表示:“我们希望,通过联合起来,我们可以加快疫苗的全球化进程,以对抗病毒,并保护人们免受一代人以来最致命的大流行的影响。”
56328 The drugmaker did not give details on when it plans to start producing the vaccine "ChAdOx1 nCoV-19", being developed by the Jenner Institute and Oxford Vaccine Group. 这家制药商没有透露计划何时开始生产由詹纳研究所(Jenner Institute)和牛津疫苗集团(Oxford Vaccine Group)开发的“ChAdOx1 nCoV-19”疫苗的细节。
56329 Though the firm is not a major player in vaccine development unlike European peers GSK and Sanofi, who are working on their own vaccine, it has deep pockets and a $6-billion-strong R&D budget. 尽管与正在研发自己的疫苗的欧洲同行葛兰素史克(GSK)和赛诺菲(Sanofi)不同,该公司并不是疫苗开发的主要参与者,但它财力雄厚,研发预算高达60亿美元。
56330 Cambridge-based AstraZeneca is also testing two of its approved treatments as a therapy to help in the outbreak that has so far infected over 3 million people and killed more than 215,000. 总部位于剑桥的阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)也在测试其批准的两种治疗方法,以帮助控制疫情爆发。到目前为止,疫情已导致300多万人感染,超过21.5万人死亡。