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56331 Its shares rose 2% on London's FTSE 100 by 0923 GMT as the main index fell, outpacing rival GSK. 截至0923GMT,其股价在伦敦富时100指数上涨2%,因主要指数下跌,涨幅超过竞争对手葛兰素史克。
56332 Governments, drugmakers and researchers are working on around 100 vaccines for the virus.Industry experts say a successful vaccine will likely take more than a year to be developed but that is much faster than the average development time of 5-7 years. 政府、制药商和研究人员正在研究大约100种针对该病毒的疫苗。业内专家表示,一种成功的疫苗可能需要一年多的时间才能开发出来,但这比平均5-7年的开发时间要快得多。
56333 There are currently no treatments or vaccines approved for the highly-contagious respiratory illness caused by the coronavirus, but healthcare workers have been trying many approaches to treat patients. 目前还没有针对冠状病毒引起的高传染性呼吸道疾病批准的治疗或疫苗,但医护人员一直在尝试许多方法来治疗患者。
56334 The vaccine, a type known as a recombinant viral vector vaccine, uses a weakened version of the common-cold virus spiked with proteins from the novel coronavirus to generate a response from the body's immune system. 这种疫苗被称为重组病毒载体疫苗,它使用一种弱化的普通感冒病毒,其中添加了来自新型冠状病毒的蛋白质,以产生来自人体免疫系统的反应。
56335 Other drugmakers testing possible COVID-19 vaccines include Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax. 其他测试可能的冠状病毒疫苗的制药商包括辉瑞(Pfizer)、现代(Modern Na)、强生(Johnson&Johnson)和诺华(Novavax)。
56336 2020年4月28日,驻英国大使刘晓明接受英国广播公司(BBC)《尖锐对话》栏目资深主持人斯蒂芬·萨克在线专访,就中国抗击新冠肺炎疫情阐明立场,澄清事实,激浊扬清。BBC国内新闻台(BBC News)和国际电视频道“国际新闻”(BBC World News)向英国本土和全球滚动播出10次上述专访。BBC国内新闻台在黄金时段新闻节目中播出专访片段,并通过BBC网站和新媒体平台进行了延伸报道。专访实录如下: On April 28, 2020, H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming gave an exclusive interview on BBC’s HARDtalk hosted by Stephen Sackur, where he shared the timeline of China’s efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19 and gave an update on what China is doing to join the international cooperation in response to the pandemic. The full transcript is as follows.
56337 主持人:刘晓明大使,欢迎来到《尖锐对话》。 Sackur: Ambassador Liu Xiaoming, welcome to Hardtalk.
56338 刘大使:谢谢!很高兴再次见到你。 Ambassador: Thank you. Good to be with you again.
56339 主持人:很高兴你能在这艰难时期接受加我们的采访。 Sackur: We are delighted to have you on our program in this difficult time.
56340 先问一个简单、直接的问题: Let me start actually with a very simple direct question: