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56341 你是否同意新冠肺炎病毒源自中国? Do you accept that Covid-19 has its origins in China?
56342 刘大使:病毒最早发现于武汉并不等于起源于武汉。 Ambassador: It was first discovered in Wuhan, but I can't say it's originated from Wuhan.
56343 根据多方信息,包括BBC的报道,病毒可能源自任何地方,甚至在航空母舰或潜艇中可以找到,在一些与中国很少联系的国家中也可以找到,在从未去过中国的人群中可以找到。所以我们不能说它源自中国。 According to many reports including BBC, it can be anywhere. It can be found on aircraft carriers. It can even be found in the submarine. It is found in some countries which have very little connection with China and also can be found in groups of people who have never been to China. So we cannot say it's originated from China.
56344 主持人:这个回答让我有些困惑。 Sackur: I'm a little confused by that answer.
56345 显然这是一种全新病毒,它起源于某个地方。 Clearly, it is a new virus. It originated somewhere.
56346 根据免疫学家和病毒学家的说法,病毒由动物传播给人类。 It seems, according to all of the immunologists and virologists, they crossed from animals to humans.
56347 毫无疑问,第一起病例发生在中国。 And there was a first case and then it spread. There is no doubt that the first case was in China.
56348 你刚才说,病毒传播到了世界各地,一些从未到过中国的人也被感染,显然病毒已引发全球大流行病,但至关重要的问题是,它最初来自何处? I’m wondering why you are telling me that it spread all over the world and people who caught it had never been to China. That is clear because it's become a pandemic. But the question that matters so much is: Where did it start?
56349 刘大使:我认为这个问题应交由科学家来解答。 Ambassador: I think this question is still up for scientists to decide.
56350 据我了解,中国的首起病例是由张继先医生于2019年12月27日向中国地方卫生主管部门报告的。 I read the report that the first case in China was reported on the 27th December by Dr. Zhang Jixian to Chinese local health authorities.