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56351 我还看到报道,称中国以外有些病例甚至远早于此。 But I also read reports that some of the cases were found to be much earlier than that.
56352 昨天英国报纸上的报道称,英国的科学家、医学专家在去年早些时候就曾警告政府,可能存在一种未知病毒。 We read even the report by your newspapers yesterday that your scientists, medical advisers, even warned your government that there might be a virus unknown to us, much earlier, last year.
56353 因此,我只能说中国第一例报告的病例于2019年12月27日发生的武汉。 So all I can say is that the first reported case in China was on 27th of December in Wuhan.
56354 主持人:我认为不容置疑的是,专家们确信在武汉及其周边地区发现了首例确诊病例。 Sackur: I think there's no doubt experts believe the origin of the first outbreak, first examples of this Covid-19 virus to be found in human beings, came from Wuhan and the surrounding area in China.
56355 你是否也认为我们必须搞清楚疫情暴发初期到底发生了什么,以及哪些地方做得不对、哪些步骤走错了,才导致病毒演变成全球大流行? I just wonder whether you accept that it is very important that we understand exactly what happened at the beginning of this outbreak, that we understand frankly what mistakes and missteps were made, which allowed the first outbreak to become a global pandemic.
56356 刘大使:我认为这仍待商榷,我们得承认有不同看法。 Ambassador: I think it is still debatable. I think we have to agree to disagree.
56357 病毒是在中国武汉首次发现的,但不能说它起源于武汉。我认为这个问题应当留给科学家。 I think it was first discovered in Wuhan, China, but I can't say it originated from Wuhan, because I would leave it to the scientists.
56358 主持人:刘大使,病毒确实首先在武汉出现人传人,并集中暴发。 Sackur: The point, Ambassador, surely is that the first mass outbreak where human beings transmitted the disease from one to another was undoubtedly in Wuhan, in China.
56359 我想问的是,难道对已发生的事情进行深入独立调查、了解事实真相不重要吗?我们可以利用这些信息避免悲剧再次发生。 And my point to you is: Is it not very important that what happened is deeply, independently investigated that we understand what happened, so we can use that information to prevent it from happening again?
56360 刘大使:让我给你介绍一下中国抗疫时间表。 Ambassador: Let me tell you the timeline of China's fight against this virus.