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56361 张继先医生首先于2019年12月27日上报了不明原因肺炎病例。中国卫生部门和疾控中心在四天后,也就是12月31日以最短的时间通知了世界卫生组织并与其他国家共享信息。 It was first reported on the 27th of December by Dr. Zhang, and then Chinese health authorities and CDC notified the WHO four days later, on the 31st of December, in the shortest possible time, and then share this information with other countries.
56362 中国还第一时间同世卫组织分享病原体,在第一时间同世卫组织和其他国家分享病毒基因序列。 China also shared the discovery of the pathogen with the WHO in the shortest possible time, and also shared the information about the genetic sequence of the virus in the shortest possible time.
56363 主持人:大使先生,让我打断一下,你忽视了非常重要的一点。 Sackur: Ambassador, let me just interrupt you on this question of timeline because you missed out one very important point.
56364 12月30日,武汉医生李文亮在微信群里告诉他的医生同事,武汉出现了一种非常令人担忧的新疾病,建议他的同事们必须穿防护服,以避免被感染。 On December 30th, a doctor in Wuhan, Li Wenliang, used his chat group online to tell fellow doctors that there was a new and very worrying disease in Wuhan. He advised his colleagues that they must wear protective clothing to avoid this new infection.
56365 几天后,他被公安局传唤并被迫供认散播虚假信息、严重干扰社会秩序。 And just a couple of days later, he was summoned to the public security bureau. He was made to sign a letter in which he confessed to making false statements that had severely disturbed the social order.
56366 从那以后一直到一月份,中国政府一直在试图掩盖真相。 That was the beginning of an official cover-up, which continued through the month of January.
56367 刘大使:现在我明白为什么一些人要鼓吹进行所谓的独立调查了,其实就是试图罗织借口来批评中国掩盖真相。 Ambassador: As I said earlier, now I understand why there's a so-called call for independent investigation. They try to find excuse for them to criticize China for cover-up.
56368 但事实是,李文亮医生不是“吹哨者”,如我刚才说的,张继先医生比李医生早三天向卫生部门报告,武汉市卫生部门随即向中央政府报告。 But the fact is that Li Wenliang was not the first one who discovered this virus. As I told you, it was Dr. Zhang Jixian, and she reported 3 days earlier than Li Wenliang to the health authorities.
56369 四天后,也就是李医生发出微信信息后一天,中国政府与世卫组织及其他国家共享了这一信息。完全不存在所谓掩盖事实。 Then, the health authorities in Wuhan reported to the central government, and then four days later, that means one day after Li Wenliang spread the word, the Chinese authorities shared the information with the WHO and other countries. No cover-up at all.
56370 主持人:大使先生,实际上中方共享的信息非常有限。 Sackur: With respect, Mr. Ambassador, the information that was shared was actually extremely limited,