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56371 根据《华盛顿邮报》和美联社获得的内部信息,中国国家卫生健康委员会主任马晓伟曾在2020年1月14日的内部会议中对形势做出了非常严峻的评估, because on January 14th, we now know this from leaks that have been given to the Washington Post and the Associated Press, we know that internally China's national health commission head, Mr. Ma Xiaowei, laid out a very grim assessment of what was happening. He said that the situation was severe.
56372 他说复杂、集中案例表明病毒正在“人传人”。 Complex, clustered cases suggest human to human transmission is happening, the memo said.
56373 但是第二天,中国疾病预防控制中心对外称持续“人传人”的风险很低,疫情是可防可控的。 The risk of transmission and spread is high, but in public, that was internal, but in public, the head of China's disease control emergency center, the very next day, said the risk of sustained human-to-human transmission is low, that it was preventable and controllable.
56374 因此,我再次认为,有充足的证据表明中国在好几个星期内没有说实话。 So, I put it to you again, there is compelling evidence that China for weeks did not tell the truth.
56375 刘大使:你都没有给我足够的时间回答问题,我还没有答完关于李文亮的问题。 Ambassador: You give me not enough time to answer your question. I haven't answered the question with regard to Li Wenliang.
56376 所谓的“掩盖事实”是不存在的。 You talk about cover-up. That's not true.
56377 张医生通过正常渠道向卫生部门报告,但李文亮则在朋友圈传播相关信息。 Dr. Zhang reported through a normal channel to health authorities, but Li spread this word among his friends.
56378 在任何国家,如果出现极其危险的未知病毒等情况,都可能引起恐慌。 In any country when you have something like the virus which is dangerous to people's health, when there is something unknown, there might be a panic.
56379 我认为警方传唤李医生,向他提出警告,要求他停止网上传播,这不能称为“隐瞒”。疫情已经通过正规渠道上报,这种情况下要尽量避免恐慌。 So I think the police authority summoned Li to warn him not to do it. You can't say this is a cover-up, since we reported through the normal channel. But on this, we need to make sure that there should be no panic.
56380 目前,英国政府也在打击利用假消息制造恐慌以达到个人目的做法。 Even today, in the UK, I think your government is fighting misinformation. Some people try to use this to create panic for their own gain.