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56612 2020年3月10日,习近平在湖北省考察疫情防控工作指出,要紧紧依靠人民群众,充分发动人民群众,提高群众自我服务、自我防护能力。 During his inspection in Hubei, Xi Jinping highlighted the need to closely rely on the people, fully mobilize them and improve their ability to serve and protect themselves.
56613 他要求,保障好群众基本生活,畅通“最后一公里”。 He requested that the basic livelihood of the people be ensured and "the last mile" service problems be solved.
56614 在这场全民战“疫”中,广大群众自觉居家、减少外出,通过网络在线拜年、工作、教学、采购等方式开启“宅生活”,积极配合社区防控,共同努力守护来之不易的抗疫成效。 In this nationwide war against the epidemic, the people voluntarily stayed at home, reduced outings, and led a "stay-at-home lifestyle" by doing almost everything online, from sending New Year greetings, to working, teaching and buying things. They supported the community work in this way, in a joint effort to safeguard the hard-won achievements in epidemic prevention and control.
56615 广大群众在做好自身的防疫工作同时,也展现了大爱精神,纷纷通过各种形式与途径支持武汉以及湖北其他地区。 While doing their own parts to combat the epidemic, the general public also assisted Wuhan and other parts of Hubei through a variety of forms, demonstrating the spirit of great love.
56616 3月23日,中央应对新冠肺炎疫情工作领导小组对疫情防控形势作出最新判断: On March 23, the Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control made the judgment on the development of the epidemic:
56617 以武汉为主战场的全国本土疫情传播已基本阻断,疫情防控取得阶段性重要成效。 The spread of the epidemic in China, with Wuhan as the main battleground, had been basically contained, which was a milestone in the anti-epidemic fight.
56618 这是全国上下同舟共济、抗击疫情的“成绩单”,为全党全军全国各族人民继续团结奋斗、最终战胜疫情注入“强心剂”。 This was an impressive "test report" as a result of the concerted efforts of the whole nation. It was also a strong boost to the Party, the PLA and the people of all ethnic groups in China to continue to work together for the ultimately victory over the epidemic.
56620 新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中国医护人员尽己所能、全力以赴救治病患。 After the outbreak of COVID-19, Chinese medical workers have done their utmost to treat the patients.
56621 截至3月底,新冠肺炎患者中年龄最大的治愈患者103岁,最小的仅出生17天。 By the end of March, the oldest COVID-19 patient cured was 103 years while the youngest only 17 days.
56622 2020年3月10日,习近平在湖北省考察疫情防控工作时对正在接受治疗的患者送去慰问,鼓励患者群众树立必胜信心,保持乐观向上的精神状态,主动听从医嘱,积极配合治疗。 On March 10, during his inspection in Hubei, Xi Jinping expressed sympathy to the patients, tried to boost their morale, and asked them to follow the doctor’s advice for recovery at an earlier date.