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56623 新冠肺炎救治工作中,重症、危重症的救治是重中之重,也是降低病死率的关键。 In the treatment of COVID-19, the severe and critical cases the key to bringing down the fatality rate were given top priority.
56624 面对这一最艰难的关隘,中国医护人员对抗重症的步履不停,通过组建院士巡诊团队,成立联合专家组,七次修订优化救治方案,组织插管小分队,推广中医药临床使用等多项措施,提高治愈率、降低病亡率。 To crack this toughest nut, Chinese medical workers have worked out different ways to treat the severe cases, with the goal of raising the cure rate and lowering the fatality rate. These included setting up a visiting team of academicians, forming an expert group, updating the treatment plan seven times, organizing an emergency intubation team for COVID-19 patients, and promoting clinical use of traditional Chinese medicines.
56625 在武汉,11家收治重症、危重症定点医院的总床位达到9000多张,来自全国90多支国家级、省级的医疗队的13000名重症专业医务人员参与新冠肺炎重症的救治工作,接近全国重症医务人员资源的10%。 In Wuhan, the number of beds in 11 hospitals designated for the treatment of severe and critical cases exceeded 9,000. More than 13,000 intensive care health professionals from 90-plus national and provincial medical teams participated in the treatment of severe cases, accounting for nearly 10% of the national intensive care personnel resources.
56626 截至3月31日,全国累计治愈出院病例超7.6万例,治愈率为93.5%;其中,湖北全省累计治愈患者63000多例,治愈率超93%。 By March 31, more than 76,000 patients had been cured and discharged, with a cure rate of 93.5%. Among them, more than 63,000 were in Hubei, with a cure rate of over 93%.
56627 志愿者 Volunteers
56628 新冠肺炎疫情发生后,广大志愿者积极有序参与疫情防控工作。 据不完全统计,在总人口约1000万的武汉,有5万余名志愿者支援抗疫第一线。 According to incomplete statistics, more than 50,000 volunteers joined the efforts in battling the epidemic in Wuhan, a city with a population of 10 million.
56629 “疫情不散,我们不退”,这是全国抗疫志愿者的共同心声。 “We will not retreat if the epidemic has not receded.” This is the pledge of all volunteers across the country.
56630 这些志愿者中,有党员、退役军人、学生、快递员和普通百姓等,他们年龄不一,性别不同,来自各个岗位甚至不同国家,坚守在高风险、高强度的防控一线,真诚奉献、不辞辛劳: Among these volunteers were CPC members, ex-servicemen, students and deliverymen. Different in age and gender, and coming from different walks of life and different countries, they were totally dedicated to the high-risk and high-intensity work on the front line.
56631 主动组建团队,接送一线医护人员通勤回家,担当“生命的摆渡人”;招募集结社区志愿者,24小时待命运送发热居民就诊,为隔离居民买菜送药,协助社区防控工作; Many volunteers served as drivers for front-line doctors and nurses to and from work, or as 24-hour standby for sending residents with fever for medical treatment. Many helped the self-isolated residents buy vegetables and medicines.
56632 发起专项募捐行动筹集善款,协调采购防护物资并送往一线; Some launched targeted fund-raising programs and coordinated the purchase of protective equipment and delivered them to the forefront;