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56633 发动高校学生,为一线医护人员子女学习提供免费在线辅导和帮助; some mobilized college students to offer free online tutoring for the children of front-line medical workers.
56634 报名加入武汉方舱医院播音员队伍,为医护人员和患者朗诵文章、缓释心情等。 Some volunteers acted as announcers in Wuhan’s temporary hospitals in an effort to soothe the patients and medical workers. Many a little makes a mickle.
56635 广大志愿者用点点滴滴的努力疗愈着心爱的家园,成为战“疫”时刻一束温暖的光。 The efforts of the vast number of volunteers offered a warm light at the time of the anti-epidemic war.
56636 下沉干部 Officials Designated from Higher Levels
56637 疫情防控是一场人民战争,构筑人民防线,守住社区防线,就能有效阻止疫情扩散蔓延。 Epidemic prevention and control is a war that involves every one of thecountry. As long as a people’s defense line is put in place and the communities are well defended, the spread of thevirus can be effectively curbed.
56638 2020年2月10日,习近平在北京调研指导新冠肺炎疫情防控工作时强调,把防控力量向社区下沉,加强社区各项防控措施的落实,使所有社区成为疫情防控的坚强堡垒。 When inspecting the epidemic prevention work in Beijing on February 10, Xi Jinpingemphasized the need to empower communities toimplementprevention and control measures, makingevery community a strong bastion defending the epidemic.
56639 这一要求,吹响了以社区为重点抗击疫情的“集结号”。 His requestsounded the “rally call” to focus on community-centered battleagainst the virus.
56640 社区防控点多面广,情况复杂多样,要做好地毯式追踪、网格化管理,又要照应居民合理必需的要求,保证社区有序运转,任务十分艰巨。 The prevention and controlwork in the communities are complicated.It is an arduous task to do blanket tracking on cases andexercisegrid-based management, while attending to the reasonable and essential needsof residents and maintaining orderly operation of the communities.
56641 为增强社区防控合力,严密社区防线,全国各地党政机关干部纷纷走出机关,分批下沉社区,极大缓解了社区联防联控中的人手紧张压力,为开展精细化防控注入力量。 In order to create synergy and strengthen community defense line,numerous Party and government officialswere designated to work in the communities. Their arrivalgreatly relievedtheshortage of manpower.
56642 下沉干部深入社区街道,积极配合社区干部做好人员排查、测量体温、消毒隔离、宣传引导、后勤保障等各项防控工作,为社区居民筑牢“防疫墙”。 They assisted communityworkers inpersonnelscreening, temperaturecheck, disinfection and isolation, publicity and guidance,and logistics support, building a solidanti-epidemicdefense for the residents.