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56643 下沉干部与广大社区工作人员、公安干警、基层干部和志愿者们并肩作战,形成了有序参与联防联控、群防群治的强大力量。 They worked side by side withlocalcommunity workers, public security officers,grassroots officials and volunteers, forming a powerful inter-agency forceto carry out society-wide actions.
56644 基层干部 Grassroots Officials
56645 基层是防疫前线,也是复工复产第一线。 Grassroots units are at the forefront of the battle against the epidemic, and at the first line of resuming work and production.
56646 为最大限度发挥基层防控的力量和作用,习近平在2月3日召开的中央政治局常委会会议上强调,在疫情防控工作中,要坚决反对形式主义、官僚主义,让基层干部把更多精力投入到疫情防控第一线。 At the meeting held on February 3 by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping emphasized opposition to excessive bureaucracy and the malpractice of going through motions, so that grassroots officials can devote fully to epidemic prevention and control.
56647 基层干部没有警服、救援服、隔离衣,只有最普通的口罩,他们没有执法证、资格证,只有一张张群众熟悉的面孔,他们既担负着基层管理,又是当地群众的“跑腿员”“广播员”“安全员”。 Grassroots officials have no protective suits to wear. They only have masks. They have no power of law enforcement. They are just familiar faces to the locals. They are responsible for managing the communities, and serve as the "errand runner," "broadcaster" and "security officer" of the people.
56648 疫情期间,广大基层干部坚持想群众之所想、急群众之所急,奔走在大街小巷、田间地头,深入细致开展疫情摸排,组织疑似病例隔离观察,协调防护物资分配,宣传普及防疫知识,用扎实行动保障人民群众生活,当好人民群众的“贴心人”。 During the outbreak, they were kept busy checking every block for epidemic screening, leaving no stone unturned. They arranged medical observation of suspected cases, coordinated the distribution of protective equipment, and spread knowledge of epidemic prevention to the general public. As "trustworthy friends of the people," they safeguarded people's wellbeing with concrete actions.
56649 公安干警 Police Officers
56650 新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,全国公安机关坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示精神和党中央决策部署,全警动员、全力以赴投入战疫情、防风险、保安全、护稳定各项工作,广大公安民警、辅警不畏艰险、不怕牺牲,坚守岗位、英勇奋战,全力投入到疫情防控和维护稳定工作。 The public security organs across China resolutely implemented the instructions given by President Xi Jinping and the decisions and plans made by the CPC Central Committee. The whole police force was mobilized to join the battle. They went all out to combat the epidemic, guard against risks, and ensure safety and stability. The public security officers and police support officers met difficulties head on and remained steadfast to their posts, devoting all their efforts to tackling the virus and maintaining stability.
56651 同时,公安部科学调配警力,组织省市县三级公安机关按照15%、20%、30%的比例抽调下沉34.2万余名警力支援基层一线。 The public security organs at provincial, municipal and county levels each dispatched 15%, 20%, and 30% of their police forces to support the communities.
56652 他们不怕疲劳、连续作战,用生命护卫人民、维护安全。 In total, 342,000-plus police officers worked tirelessly at the front line, risking their lives to protect the people and maintain security.