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56653 截至4月2日,全国共有60名公安民警和35名辅警牺牲在抗击疫情和维护安全稳定第一线,其中20名公安民警被追授为全国公安系统二级英雄模范称号。 As of April 2, 60 police officers and 35 police support officers sacrificed their lives at the front line, and 20 of them were posthumously honored as second-class heroes.
56654 “疫情当前,警察不退”。 "If the epidemic does not recede, the police will not retreat."
56655 抗击疫情期间,广大公安干警在做好自身防疫工作的同时,全力配合做好社会面疫情防控工作,依法打击整治影响疫情防控和社会稳定的违法犯罪活动,着力做好复工复产依法保障工作,为推动全国疫情防控形势持续向好作出了重要贡献。 In the war against COVID-19, a vast number of police officers made great contribution to the society-wide prevention and control. Not only did they punish criminal and other illegal activities that hindered the anti-epidemic fight or undermined social stability, they also went to great lengths to support the resumption of work and production, thus contributing to the positive trending of epidemic prevention and control in China.
56656 社区工作者 Community Workers
56657 抗击疫情有两个阵地,一个是医院救死扶伤阵地,一个是社区防控阵地。 There are two fronts in the battle against the epidemic: hospital the life-saving front, and community the epidemic prevention and control front.
56658 习近平在北京市调研指导新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作时强调,社区是疫情联防联控的第一线,也是外防输入、内防扩散最有效的防线。 When inspecting the epidemic prevention and control in Beijing, Xi Jinping emphasized that communities are the forefront of joint prevention and control, and also an effective defense line against importation of cases and intra-city/region transmission.
56659 把社区这道防线守住,就能有效切断疫情扩散蔓延的渠道。 We can effectively curb the spread if we hold firm the defense line in the communities.
56660 在湖北武汉考察疫情防控期间,习近平走进东湖新城社区,与社区防控队伍亲切交流。 During his inspection in Wuhan, Xi visited Donghu Xincheng Community and talked with the community workers.
56661 他指出,上面千条线、下面一根针,群众大事小事都在社区,大家就是临时的“小巷总理”。 He called community workers “temporary prime minister of the alleys,” who have to handle all kinds of matters that relate to people’s livelihood.
56662 在抗击疫情的斗争中,社区工作者们克服了人员不够、资源不足、条件艰苦、防护措施不完善等各种困难,始终坚守着城市的第一道防线。 In the battle against the epidemic, the community workers had overcome various difficulties such as insufficient manpower, limited resources, hard conditions and imperfect protective measures, and remained steadfast at the city’s front line of defense.