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56663 疫情期间,武汉的社区全部实行网格化管理,网格员、下沉干部、志愿者、楼栋长等组成了一个个小组为社区居民服务: As all the communities in Wuhan were under grid-based management, grid managers, officials designated from higher levels, volunteers and building coordinators formed different groups to serve the residents.
56664 电话组负责接听居民热线,为居民答疑解难;报表组跟踪监控居民健康情况,每日电话问询;采购组则为居民买菜送药等。 There were telephone communication groups responsible for answering hotline questions for residents, report groups tracking and monitoring residents’ health status with daily telephone inquiries, and purchasing groups buying vegetables and medicines for the residents in need.
56665 随着疫情联防联控工作的推进,全国有许多社区工作者、志愿者每天为居家隔离的居民送去生活必需品,随访健康状况,为居民提供引导就医、转诊、咨询等服务。 A great number of community workers and volunteers across the country delivered necessities to self-isolated residents at home on a daily basis, followed up their health conditions, and helped residents see doctors, transfer to hospitals or get consultation.
56666 他们的无私奉献,成为疫情防控中的动人风景,不断筑牢着疫情防控的“社区防线”。 Their dedication shored up a strong defense line in the communities.
56667 解放军指战员 PLA Commanders and Soldiers
56668 新冠疫情发生后,人民解放军坚决贯彻中共中央决策部署,迅速启动联防联控工作机制,紧急抽组精兵强将奔赴疫情防控第一线,成为抗疫战线不可或缺的重要力量。 After the outbreak of the coronavirus, the PLA resolutely implemented the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, and promptly launched joint prevention and control mechanism. Emergency teams were drawn to the front line, becoming an indispensable force in the anti-epidemic fight.
56669 习近平在2月23日召开的统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上指出,人民解放军指战员闻令而动、敢打硬仗,展现了人民子弟兵忠于党、忠于人民的政治品格。 At the meeting held on February 23 to promote nationwide epidemic control and economic and social development, Xi Jinping pointed out that the PLA commanders and soldiers had acted upon orders and were brave to fight a tough battle, which demonstrated the political character of the people's army and their loyalty to the Party and the people.
56670 若有战,召必至。 "If a war befalls, the PLA is ready to fight when the call comes."
56671 在中共中央统一指挥下,全军一万余名医护人员火线驰援,全力投入抗疫一线救治,第一时间批量接收患者,第一时间进入隔离病区,第一时间诊治危重病人。 Under the unified command of the CPC Central Committee, more than 10,000 PLA medical staff rushed to the front line and devoted themselves to saving lives. They were among the first to start receiving patients and treating the seriously ill in the isolated wards.
56672 武警部队平均每天动用1000多名兵力、100余台车辆,协助地方疫情防控部门担负医疗物资调运卸载、防疫洗消和警戒值守等任务。 Over 1,000 troops and 100 vehicles were mobilized every day to assist the local epidemic prevention and control departments in transporting and unloading medical supplies, cleaning and disinfecting, and posting guards.