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56673 各省军区(警备区)出动民兵配合地方完成外来人员管理、场所消毒、警戒执勤、物资运输、防疫宣传等任务。 Militias were dispatched by provincial military commands (garrison commands) to assist local authorities in managing visitors, disinfecting public places, performing vigilance duty, delivering goods and materials, communicating epidemic prevention to the public and other tasks.
56674 “是军人,就要随时上战场!”从加强领导指挥到火速驰援武汉,从全力救治患者到做好综合保障,从组织应急科研攻关到加强人员物资投送,人民解放军再次展现了人民至上的硬核力量:哪里有危难,哪里就有共和国军人在冲锋;哪里有需要,哪里就有人民子弟兵在奉献。 "Soldiers are always be ready to go to the battlefield!" From strengthening leadership to rushing to aid Wuhan, from treating the ill to providing comprehensive support, from organizing emergency-related scientific researches to expanding personnel and material delivery capacity, the PLA has once again demonstrated the sheer force of putting people first: Where there is emergency, there is the pioneering people's army; where there is a need, there is the dedicating people's army.
56675 广大医务工作者 Medical Workers
56676 新冠肺炎疫情发生后,广大医务工作者毅然告别家人,白衣执甲、逆行出征、全力救治患者,展现了救死扶伤、医者仁心的崇高精神。 After the outbreak of COVID-19, a vast number of medical workers bid farewell to their loved ones and went in harm's way. As warriors in white, they devoted every effort to save patients.
56677 习近平在武汉考察时对奋战在一线的医务工作者给予高度评价,称赞他们是新时代最可爱的人,是光明的使者、希望的使者,是最美的天使,是真正的英雄! Xi Jinping spoke highly of the medical workers on the front line, calling them "the most admirable people" in the new era, messengers of brightness and hope, the most beautiful angels, and true heroes.
56678 习近平多次作出重要指示,对参与疫情防控工作的医务人员送去关爱和鼓励。 Xi Jinping made instructions on different occasions about the care for the medical workers fighting against the epidemic.
56679 他强调,医务人员是战胜疫情的中坚力量,务必高度重视对他们的保护、关心、爱护。 He emphasized that medical workers are the backbone in beating the epidemic, and they shall be well protected and given full support.
56680 要关心关爱一线医务人员,落实防护物资、生活物资保障和防护措施,统筹安排轮休,加强心理疏导,落实工资待遇、临时性工作补助、卫生防疫津贴待遇,完善激励机制,尽心尽力帮助他们解除后顾之忧,使他们始终保持昂扬斗志、旺盛精力,持续健康投入抗疫斗争。 The front-line medics shall have access to sufficient protective equipment and daily necessities, and have off-days in rotation and psychological counseling. The pay package, additional subsidies and epidemic prevention allowances for the medical staff should be fully delivered, their worries be lifted, and incentive mechanism be further improved, so that they will stay strong and healthy to fight the epidemic.
56681 据统计,抗疫期间,人民解放军、中央和国家部委、各省区市共派出340多支医疗队、42000余名医务人员驰援武汉。 During the anti-epidemic combat, the PLA, central ministries and commissions, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government altogether dispatched more than 340 medical teams consisting of over 42,000 healthcare workers to aid Hubei.
56682 随着疫情防控形势逐步转好,完成救助任务的各地驰援医疗队将分批离开武汉、平安归家。 As the conditions turned for the better, the medical teams completed their mission and withdrew in an orderly manner.