ID 原文 译文
521 新冠肺炎防治手册 Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment
522 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院临床经验 Compiled According to Clinical Experience of the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine
523 Editor’s Note:
524 面对全新的未知病毒,共享与合作是最好的药方。 Faced with an unknown virus, sharing and collaboration are the best remedy.
525 这本手册的出版,是对过去两个月医护人员体现出来的勇气与智慧的最好的纪念方式之一。 The publication of this Handbook is one of the best ways to mark the courage and wisdom our healthcare workers have demonstrated over the past two months.
526 感谢所有参与编写人员,在救治病患的同时,把宝贵的经验汇编成册提供全球医疗同行借鉴。 Thanks to all those who have contributed to this Handbook, sharing the invaluable experience with healthcare colleagues around the world while saving the lives of patients.
527 感谢来自国内医疗同行的帮助,你们提供的经验对我们来说既是启发更是激励。 Thanks to the support from healthcare colleagues in China who have provided experience that inspires and motivates us.
528 感谢马云公益基金会发起这个项目和阿里健康的技术支持,使得本手册能够为那些正与疫情搏斗的人们提供帮助。 Thanks to Jack Ma Foundation for initiating this program, and to AliHealth for the technical support, making this Handbook possible to support the fight against the epidemic.
529 本手册用于公益传播。 The Handbook is available to everyone for free.
530 由于时间仓促,书中难免会存在一些瑕疵和不 However, due to the limited time, there might be some errors and defects.